Sunday, August 26, 2012

Is School Fencing a Necessity?

The subject of whether or not school fencing is a necessity is a frequently debated one by the citizens of the community. On one side of the issue are the people who feel like a school campus is public property and all taxpaying members of the public should have equal access to the property. On the other side of the issue are the school officials and the people who feel that the protection and security of the children is more important than the rights of the taxpayers.

Arguments in favor of school fencing include the following:

• School fencing can be used to keep people from being on the campuses without the proper officials knowing of their presence. That means that the children would not be vulnerable to predators that would like to take them away from the campus and do them some harm. If school fencing is properly used then all people who come to the campus would have to check in at the office before they could proceed any further into the institution. This means that the personnel inside the office would know who was there and what child they were speaking to.

• Providing an enclosure ensures that a child will not be distracted while playing and run out onto the highway and be injured. It also means that the children would not accidentally toss a ball into the highway and cause an oncoming car to have an accident.

• Having an enclosure surrounding the property would deter theft and vandalism during the hours that the educational facility was closed.

• These enclosures could lower the amount the school district has to pay for property insurance. This would be directly related to the fact that the school fencing would reduce the number of acts of vandalism that were perpetrated on the property. They would also keep people from coming onto the campus when officials were not present and falling or otherwise being injured and suing the school district for these injuries.

Arguments against school fencing include the following:

• The presence of school fencing deters the ordinary taxpayer from being able to access the property whenever they please. All homeowners and property owners in the community pay for the school so they should have access to the school grounds.

• The materials to build these enclosures will cost money and that money will come from the pockets of the taxpayers.

• Having these enclosures would mean extra work duties for the maintenance department in up-keeping the items so they did not become hazardous to the children. This would also include additional work for the groundskeepers.

Both sides of the issue make excellent points, but the majority of public school districts have to install these items because they have to put the safety of the students attending the classes at the facility above everything else. These children are the future of our nations and they are the most valuable commodity a community possesses. No amount of money is too great to spend doing this job.

To find out more about the styles and types of school fencing that are available talk to the experts at Zaun. Then you can debate your side of the school fencing argument in a more informed manner.

View the original article here

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