Friday, April 20, 2012

You Are a Terrible Person Because Someone Took Something You Said Out of Context - Huh?

The other day, I was looking at a media poll, it was on one of the left-leaning news stations, and I was alarmed at their reasoning. You see, they had taken something at of context that one of the GOP candidates had said on the road. Then they played it over and over again critiquing his words. Now mind you it was definitely out of context, nevertheless at the end of the programming they did a little survey and asked people to Twitter, or text message the answer to their survey.

Next, they put the survey on TV showing that 67% of the people disapproved of what was said, and thought that the politician in question should not be president. Okay so, let's talk about this for second shall we?

It seems to me this is mass mind manipulation and brainwashing. Basically the media company is leading the answer to the viewers, and then posting the results of how many people they were able to snooker who called in to participate in a survey. This shows me of their ability to brainwash, and has very little to do with the individual who said something, that perhaps they should've said, because they should've known that the leftist media would've taken it out of context, which they did.

Apparently, our media has the ability to slander and berate someone as a terrible person, after they take something they said out of context. That's interesting isn't it? But isn't that really just office gossip gone wild? Isn't the media in this case just pandering to the inherent behavioral challenges of humans in mass mobs? Is that really all the better we are, is that all the better we can do in America? Is that the level of intelligence that we've come to expect? How is it that America has been so dummied down that they fall for this garbage hook, line, and sinker like a school of fish?

You are not a terrible person because someone said you were, you can only be a terrible person if you are a terrible person. Slandering someone's good name just because they are a politician is exactly why we don't have very many good people running for office. Because as soon as someone who is decent runs for office, this is what the media does to them, and our society follows. They build them up just to burn down, and the reality is they just don't care. Of course, a politician can run for office without saying anything, but as soon as they say something, someone blows it out of proportion, takes it out of context, and sends it viral across the Internet.

It's time for America to grow up. It's time for the media to catch a clue. If they have to use these types of innuendos, and create this type of sound and fury just to get people to tune in, then there's no wonder why they are going out of business. And if that were not for election seasons, they'd already have gone bankrupt. Maybe they are no longer needed, maybe their future demise is their own fault? Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on the Internet and Media. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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