Friday, August 31, 2012

Safety Issues With Signs Across America

Ray LaHood, the United States secretary of transportation, said that the government was letting go of regulations forcing states to put up newer road signs that have brighter coloring and text, increasing visibility. LaHood commented in January 2012 that many towns and cities may have budget issues, and the traffic signs they already have are probably adequate.

This news was good news indeed for state governments and their officials all across the nation who have long contended that such rules make it very costly for them. However, safety professionals take the opposite view. They are concerned that the lack of regulations will make signs harder to see, especially in the dark, and this could lead to more accidents and deaths on the highways of America.

The road towards improving traffic signs was started back in the early 90s. A bill in 1993 required the department of transportation to have more stringent retroreflective standards everywhere. This refers to the capability of a sign to reflect light, letting it been seen when lights hit it. Most items diffuse light, instead of reflecting it. Signs with a high amount of this quality can be seen sooner, often preventing accidents.

The ability to see signs is a big issue, especially in darkness, when is which half of all accidents happen. People can no longer use reference points like buildings to judge distances. People driving at night are often more tired as well. When you combine these factors, the time frame between evening and dawn is responsible for proportionally far more accidents, considering only 25% of all driving happens during these hours.

Unfortunately, the issue is not expected to improve. More and more elderly drivers will be hitting the road soon. People over the age of 65 need four times the amount of light to view the same road sign someone in their 20s does. As a person gets older, their reaction times slow significantly as well. By the start of the next decade, one-fifth of all drivers will be over 65. In 2025, that number could be as high as 25%. These calculations demonstrate that there should more cautions in place, considering all the risks associated with driving at night.

Previous laws had rules ensuring road signs show the same color and shape at day and night. States would have also been forced to make sure all signs meet a retroreflective standard. All these regulations would have to have been done by 2018. Now that these rules are removed, 46 federally mandated controls are no longer in place.

LaHood defends his position by saying a deadline to replace street signs is going to cost most communities money in their budgets they simply do not have. LaHood spoke with dozens of local and government officials across the country to see their views. Victor Mendez, who works in the Federal Highway Administration, agrees with LaHood. He thinks local governments are the best suited to determine when they need to replace or update signs. It is good they did not reach such conclusions blindly, but they also did not think of the important safety issues that truly matter in the long run.

A few states have already begun to reconfigure and update their signs so that they are more retroreflective. In Pennsylvania, over 90% of their signs meet new retroreflective standards.

The majority of states are lacking in their efforts to improve their signs. It may sometimes seem better for the federal government to stay out of things, but without federal interference to ensure it gets done, a lack of sign quality could mean a more dangerous ride at night for all of us.

Impact Recovery Systems® manufactures flexible, durable, high impact traffic systems for both permanent and temporary applications as well as other traffic safety products. Products are tested for durability and designed to give upon impact, then quickly return to their original position. The heart of our devices is our patented reactive spring system-making ours the only products on the market today that utilizes a mechanical device to increase product durability.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Migrant's on the Margin

Britain's immigration rules do not give Romanians and Bulgarians full access to the labour market, but British laws do entitle them to compensation for injuries that are their employers' fault.

Yet the migrants' anxiety over their immigration status can deter them from making claims - a tendency that employers may be tempted to exploit.

Since their countries joined the EU in 2007, Romanian and Bulgarian citizens have had the right to work anywhere within the bloc.

However, the UK has imposed tight restrictions on their direct employment. Similar restrictions do not apply to citizens of the eight countries that joined the EU during its previous burst of expansion in 2004.

Exact numbers are hard to come by, but most Romanian and Bulgarian migrants to the UK are believed to have taken jobs in the construction and hospitality sectors.

Partly as a result of their immigration status, many of them end up working through agencies rather than being hired as employees by a company. If they are builders, they may be paid cash-in-hand.

The more "casualised" the work, the greater the likelihood that employers may endanger or exploit the workers. They may not adequately assess the risks behind a particular job, or they may neglect to provide protective equipment and training.

Workers in the building sector are particularly accident-prone, with unions estimating that 80 per cent of injuries on construction sites in the UK go unreported.

Builders often avoid reporting accidents at work because they fear losing their jobs and endangering their prospects.

According to a representative from UCATT, the UK's largest construction union, companies also prefer staff who don't make a fuss. This creates a climate where all but the most severe accidents tend to go unreported.

Remus Robu, a paralegal with Levenes, a British law firm that pursues claims arising from accidents at work, said Romanian and Bulgarian migrants needed to be better informed of their rights. They should be aware that nationality and employment status had no bearing on their eligibility for compensation or on the amounts awarded, he said.

Nor should migrants be put off by the prospect of a lengthy court case. According to Robu, most cases involving accidents at work were settled before trial, as employers did not wish to incur heavy legal costs where their liability had been established.

But while Romanians and Bulgarians may see themselves as victims of a harsh immigration policy, they have also seemed reluctant to make use of Britain's kinder laws.

Read more articles by Sorana Stanescu, and many more by award-winning journalists, on the leading English-language news site covering the Balkans;

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Understanding a Roadshow Vehicle

A lot of people do not understand the concept of a roadshow vehicle. The thought of traveling around from town to town in order to sell items eludes them. The people that do this type of selling are not new to the market of salesmen they are a continuance of entrepreneurs that have been peddling their wares for many years.

The roadshow vehicle of today is nothing like the roadshow vehicle of times gone by, but they are in principle identical. For instance, the Fuller Brush salesmen of many years ago drove around to different little towns and they sold their products to the people in those towns. They were essentially a traveling store. In their vehicles there were cases that contained the products they had to sell. If they did not have the product that a customer wanted they would take an order and deliver that product on their next trip through that town.

These were not the first of the merchants that traveled via a roadshow vehicle. The peddlers that provided supplies and goods to people out of the back of a wagon pulled by a team of horses were likely the first of these types of merchants. Some of these individuals had no stores, but they had a wagon. They would buy supplies and load them on their wagons. They would then travel from town to town and sell the supplies they had. They charged the people they sold these items to more than they paid for them and this was how they made their profits.

There were some store owners that realized it would be good for their sales if they sent wagons out to the places that were far enough away that the people did not get into town very often. They would outfit a wagon with a load of supplies that most people would need, things like flour, sugar, coffee, and some household items. They would hire someone to drive these wagons to these remote locations and sell the items to the people located there. The prices these people paid for these items were higher because they were charged extra to make up for the extra amount that the merchant had to spend. The convenience of having these items delivered was well worth the extra charge.

Today the exhibition trailers that people use to display items at mobile locations are generally driven to town centers, festivals, sporting events, county fairs, and other events that attract the attention of a large number of people. The vehicle will be driven to the location and the person inside will set up displays of the items they have for sale. Some of the displays will be established outside of the vehicle under a cover created with a tarp. Some of the displays will be set up inside the actual trailer and people will come inside and browse the items in that manner.

Some people purchase these mobile units and use them regularly while other people only want to use a unit like this on occasion so they rent the items. Either way they get their products to the people and this increases profits.

A roadshow vehicle is a resourceful means of getting the product that you have to where the people who might buy it are. The roadshow vehicle has been used for many years to sell all manners of goods and services.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Charities Benefiting From Storage Auction Popularity

With "reality" programming like Storage Wars, Storage Hunters, and Auction Hunters, storage auctions have seen a distinct increase in popularity. It is an interesting phenomenon, this blend of recreation, thrift, and business. There's a social element, along with the excitement that comes with the hope of a great find or major score, that's led to these auctions being recreational for many attendees. Savvy business people with a sharp eye for bargains point to another trend on the rise today, thrift. This fairly sudden increase of interest in these types of auctions has allowed charities to benefit, with organizations capitalizing on that interest in their fund raising efforts.

There are a few forms that fund raising efforts associated with storage auctions tend to take. In some cases, a storage unit owner will set aside one or more storage units that are scheduled for auction. When those units are sold at auction, the money received is directly donated to a charity or organization. This type of fund raising is often used in very localized situations, such as raising money for an area child's medical bills or to meet some other specific need within the community. Sometimes, the charitable spirit continues with the winners of the bidding, who then resell the contents, also donating their proceeds.

Another way that storage auctions have been playing a role in fund raising for charity and causes is by hosting events. The facility owners and operators have all the elements in place to conduct a successful auction. Storage unit renters and others in the community donate goods, which are housed at the storage facility until the date of the auction. A small percentage of the proceeds from the auctioning of these goods go to cover the costs of the event, with the rest going to the particular charity or organization that the event is held for. Local food pantries, children's hospitals, and specific diseases, like cancer and leukemia are among the beneficiaries of these auctions.

Many storage facilities have really gotten into the spirit of it, and hold these types of events on a regular basis. In fact, there is an organization, Charity Storage, that helps facilitate these auctions throughout the nation, working in partnership with an ever increasing group of self storage facilities. Public interest in these auctions and the growing self storage business has led to friendly competition between facility owners regarding who can raise the most money for charity. That has led to campaigns that go beyond physical auctions to social media. In some cases, owners just want to give back to the communities. One California self storage company makes regular donations to such important organizations as Catholic Family Charities, Pacific Legal Foundation, and Blue Star Mothers of America.

Television programs tend to highlight the drama and excitement of the potential big score, focusing more on what people can get, how much money can be made. However, in the real world, storage auctions and the people that run them are doing a lot of good work. Across the nation, numerous charities and organizations are feeling the impact of these efforts. With a tight economy making it tough for many organizations to get the funding they need, the efforts of these self storage facilities are making a real difference.

For more information about storage auctions please visit

Travis Lane is the owner of Texas Storage Auction Schedules and News / and a former professional storage auction buyer.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bye, Bye Miss American Pie - Drove My Chevy To The Levy But The Levy Was Dry

Do you ever feel like something is leaking out of some small crack in your head, like a cracked pan or dish or a leaky pool or maybe you just can't make that balloon stay up in the air? I think that is a part of what I have been feeling lately. I wonder if anyone out there is actually hearing me. Sometimes when we are on "over-load" or having "burn-out" nothing in life will go as planned. We just need to take a break to change the perspective. A fresh look makes the dots finally start connecting again.

I have so many memories of those happy childhood days, when everything was in front of me. I just had to sort out which direction life would take me. I had so much to hope and plan for and what I didn't know then was - that's what life is always about - which direction should I turn next. It's too bad you can't really know that from the beginning. I've become a believer that the kids that are coming now, come programmed and ready for this age of computers can do anything. All you have to do is dream it up. I saw a commercial the other day about these college kids dreaming up a way to create power using soccer balls some way. Are you kidding me? WOW, can you imagine?

I think with all of the many ways people can think up how to do anything, why is producing American Made products here so hard to make happen? Sometimes it seems a part of us has become numb to those precious freedoms that were set up just for us. Those same ideals produced an inspired and tenacious people who have built our country. Well, I still get goose bumps when I see our military marching for the cause or when saluting the flag. I still can feel our noble ancestors lofty goals when reading the constitution. My eyes have welled up with tears when I have visited the Lincoln Memorial or the Vietnam Memorial. Thank God I haven't forgotten.

To each has been given his own set of tools and understanding. For some reason mine always flows to those wonderful people who laid the foundation of our lives. I think of how we are all connected and part of the larger picture that some cannot see and if we realize what our potential is then the ideal may be a little more possible. I remember a movie called "Independence Day" and what happened when the dust settled after the destruction took place and, once the people had to join together to fight the aliens, they forgot their differences. But, today, it seems all we think about is our differences. I think we have taken for granted those freedoms we have been given from the sacrifices of life and limb our brave countryman have given. There's too much whining going on.

We cannot continue to take it for granted. I have learned at least one thing, that a bad spirit, greed and in general selfishness is always lurking at every turn. We have to really work against human nature to go the other way. I think if all of us will do one thing every day to make that change, before long good will overtake the bad. Paying it forward is such a good philosophy and I think makes a real difference.

That's why we see so much on TV and News papers about this one and that one finally being caught with their fingers funneling the profits to themselves. All the having a foreign country producing our wares to make the extra bucks for the material things in life is evidence of that philosophy. I think that some corporations have forgotten what got them to the top in the first place. We have got to go back to employing our fellow Americans, doing our part to strengthen our country and I think that spirit will spread everywhere. Let's not give up. Let's help each other with a leg up, support the dreamers of dreams. It is time for us to wake up America. It is our turn to keep the ball rolling. Only then can we, once again, be an industrious nation and a happy people.

My name is Sherry Smith. My site is American Made Apparel: Shop for USA Made Clothes, Shoes & More! My URL is I am an affiliate marketer looking for products to promote on my site. My theme for this one is made in America clothing, shoes, accessories, etc. It is a challenge to research and find those sites. I'm excited to participate with others who are trying to help rebuild our American pride. I can receive e-mail at I would love to hear from you.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Emergency Procedures And Supplies - What You Need And Need to Know

Nothing gets your blood flowing like an emergency. On Saturday after returning from some errands, I saw some smoke in the foothills of Colorado Springs. It seems like half of the state is on fire as it is. The city is below normal on rainfall so everything is extremely dry. It has been windy here and humidity even on a humid day this time of year is 10% at the most making for extremely dangerous fire conditions.

That was Saturday when the fire got started. Overnight the fire grew and was headed in at least three directions which made fighting it very difficult. One of those directions was towards the town of Manitou Springs which is just west of Colorado Springs. At 1:30 in the morning an evacuation notice was given to the residents of some 3000 homes to get out. As of six o'clock Sunday morning they were going house to house to make sure that everybody had left.

The sky Sunday morning was an eerie orange color-very pretty and unusual but filled with smoke which makes breathing tough.

The news reports this morning were that flames were as high as 1500 feet moving down one ridge line. That's 15 stories tall. As of right now winds are actually relatively calm at 15 miles an hour. They're supposed to kick up to 30 miles an hour later on this morning and into today.

When you have an emergency or faced with a disaster it helps to have an emergency preparedness plan and even more important it helps to have some emergency food supplies on hand. Yesterday news reports were telling people that they needed to have a 72 hour supply of medicine and food to take with them.

How would you and your family handle a disaster or emergency? What should you do for emergency preparedness or disaster preparedness?

There's no way to get a three-day supply of food for a family of four in the space of 15 minutes which is the average time people had to get out of their houses. The emergency Food Supply could be one less thing for you to worry about. It has a shelf life of 25 years. They are packaged in special containers which removes all oxygen. These food supplies can be used for any emergency or disaster such as a hurricane, tornado, flood or in our case a fire. It is an essential for emergency preparedness and disaster preparedness.

Here is a book that can help you develop an Emergency Plan just in case one strikes.

The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other nonlethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Is School Fencing a Necessity?

The subject of whether or not school fencing is a necessity is a frequently debated one by the citizens of the community. On one side of the issue are the people who feel like a school campus is public property and all taxpaying members of the public should have equal access to the property. On the other side of the issue are the school officials and the people who feel that the protection and security of the children is more important than the rights of the taxpayers.

Arguments in favor of school fencing include the following:

• School fencing can be used to keep people from being on the campuses without the proper officials knowing of their presence. That means that the children would not be vulnerable to predators that would like to take them away from the campus and do them some harm. If school fencing is properly used then all people who come to the campus would have to check in at the office before they could proceed any further into the institution. This means that the personnel inside the office would know who was there and what child they were speaking to.

• Providing an enclosure ensures that a child will not be distracted while playing and run out onto the highway and be injured. It also means that the children would not accidentally toss a ball into the highway and cause an oncoming car to have an accident.

• Having an enclosure surrounding the property would deter theft and vandalism during the hours that the educational facility was closed.

• These enclosures could lower the amount the school district has to pay for property insurance. This would be directly related to the fact that the school fencing would reduce the number of acts of vandalism that were perpetrated on the property. They would also keep people from coming onto the campus when officials were not present and falling or otherwise being injured and suing the school district for these injuries.

Arguments against school fencing include the following:

• The presence of school fencing deters the ordinary taxpayer from being able to access the property whenever they please. All homeowners and property owners in the community pay for the school so they should have access to the school grounds.

• The materials to build these enclosures will cost money and that money will come from the pockets of the taxpayers.

• Having these enclosures would mean extra work duties for the maintenance department in up-keeping the items so they did not become hazardous to the children. This would also include additional work for the groundskeepers.

Both sides of the issue make excellent points, but the majority of public school districts have to install these items because they have to put the safety of the students attending the classes at the facility above everything else. These children are the future of our nations and they are the most valuable commodity a community possesses. No amount of money is too great to spend doing this job.

To find out more about the styles and types of school fencing that are available talk to the experts at Zaun. Then you can debate your side of the school fencing argument in a more informed manner.

View the original article here

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Baby Boomers Are Hiring Estate Sale "Downsizing" Companies

Many baby boomers are reaching retirement age. They are ready to move on to another phase in their life and perhaps move to another home. Years of accumulation of childrens toys, furniture, outdated furniture, old electronics, china, crystal and more, won't be needed in their next move.

For many years, families passed down furniture,crystal and china to their children and grandchildren. Children today, for the most part just do not want that style furniture, and other family heirlooms. Maybe because we now have dishwashers and microwaves and other high tech appliances. Perhaps we as "baby boomers" would not want the china and crystal either, if we had the choice. After all, who really enjoys the hand washing of china and polishing of silver.

Furniture of choice for the vast majority of baby boomers have been traditional and some modern furniture. Those individuals reaching adult age in the 1970's enjoyed the traditional and modern style. The "danish modern" and mid century furniture is becoming more and more popular and is selling well. However, there is still a lot of furniture left with no demand from adult children.

As baby boomers make the decision to move, they now have the opportunity to make money on what they do not want to keep. Of course they can always have a garage sale or donate to charity. But, many people have accumulated items of value over the years, a typical garage sale, does not bring out the "higher purchase" buyers. The business of liquidation of personal property has grown tremendously the last few years.

When you hear the word "estate sale" you probably think someone has died and has hired a company to dispose of their belongings. This is still true but now there is such a thing as a "living estate sale". These sales are also handled by estate sale companies. In fact, nearly half of all estate sales today, are of people who are very much alive. Baby boomers downsizing, families forced to downsize due to foreclosure, and also business liquidations are now being handled by liquidation companies.

Why not sell it yourself? Pricing is critical to a successful and a money making sale. The average person does not know how to price a piece of used furniture or an antique figurine. Overpricing by only a few dollars can make the difference between obtaining a "fair price" or selling below market value at the end of the sale.

Estate sale companies charge a percentage of the total proceeds of the sale. This percentage varies from state to state and company. But, we have seen 25% to 35% here in Georgia. You can find a local estate or liquidation company by conducting an internet search using the search term "estate sale". There are many new companies getting into this profitable business. Be search you check references and interview more than one company.

Thinking of "downsizing" or need to move? Consider contacting a local estate sale company.

We welcome any comments about our article. My name is Ann Roberts and I am the marketing director of Georgia Estate Sale Network. Our website is We are here to promote the ever growing liquidation and estate sale business. Our goal is to make the public aware of this valuable resource, the use of a liquidation company. We will also be writing about current resale market value in Georgia and the greater Atlanta area.

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Inspiration, War, Peace, and the Hungry Ghost

What happens when a person has nothing in life that brings a sense of real success? Let's start by defining success as accomplishing something that requires a person to stretch them self beyond their personal comfort zone. Success could also be simple satisfaction - perhaps the satisfaction of feeding one's family, living in peace, having an income, or attaining basic desires.

Satisfaction brings the joy of success. Forgetting, or not having, the joy of success can lead to a hungry ghost mentality. The hungry ghost mentality is also known as a person's empty cup or unmet need. When the hungry ghost grows too large, destructive behaviors can easily follow. The hungry ghost personality might spend too much money, become alcoholic, abuse drugs, and even see those destructive behaviors as a way to overcome a challenge.

The hungry ghost is a vampire attitude. Vampires will find anything to feed on that will give them a sense of success. The vampire success is a false sense of success. This type of success is temporary and must be constantly fed - just like a drug problem. There is no real, lasting sense of accomplishment. Often, the vampire success cannot even be openly shared and is usually based in fear.

Theft is a vampire behavior.
Developing a new skill or hobby is a real success.
Manipulating another person to do something against their will is a vampire behavior.
Outdoor adventures can bring real personal growth.
War and terrorism are vampire behaviors.

The hungry ghost/vampire is an emotional-mental emptiness. Something within the person has not been fulfilled. There is a need within the person which will be filled one way or another. That need might be filled by endless shopping, alcoholism, illegal behaviors, abusive behaviors, or something else. How that hungry ghost emptiness is filled varies from one person to another.

Take a look at what currently fills your time. Ask yourself what you want from that activity. Drill down on what you want. For example, if you are considering working a second job ask yourself what you want from that job - more money? What do you want more money for - to buy something? What is it you want to buy? Perhaps you drill down to wanting a home that has no mortgage. OK, that means you want a second job so you can have a home that is paid for. Most people are not clear about what they really want. When you are not clear about what you want, getting what you really want becomes exceedingly problematic. Keep in mind that none of this is about what someone else wants or what you want for someone else. This is about your goals and dreams.

Why do terrorists do what they do? Do people really become terrorists because they want to die? Mentally sound people do not set out to get killed. Do people become terrorists because that is their only option for an income and a life? Does it really get them what they want? Some people might think that is exactly how terrorism is working for them. Reality says they are coerced and manipulated - one wrong move and them and their families might be destroyed. Is this really how anyone wants to live? Does terrorism even get what the terrorist leadership wants? For example, what did Bin Laden really want? We all heard "down with the United States - destroy them!" We all heard about the hatred. Back to the question - what did he really want? Does anyone know? Realistically speaking the goal of destruction will only destroy Bin Laden (which it did). The news did an excellent job of putting forth the idea that Bin Laden wanted revenge on the US government or he wanted to force Islamist beliefs onto everyone much like being a small time Hitler. War and terrorism do not work for obtaining these types of goals. The idea that Bin Laden only wanted to terrorize as many people as possible takes one back to the goal of destruction. Terrorism is designed to instill fear and Bin Laden definitely lived in fear. Are the people following terrorist leaders confused about what they want for their own lives or are they operating out of fear? Education is certainly a factor here. Education changes how people think. There will be more on education at a later date.

From Phil Johnson, MBL: "... People don't like it when you change because the ways they used to manipulate you stop working."

Terrorism has been in use around the globe for many years and it has never worked. Someone once said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Perhaps people do the same thing over and over and expect different results because they are confused about what results they want. When people are just feeding their hungry ghost, they are not clear about their goals and will perform all sorts of insane behaviors.

Terrorist leadership cannot manipulate people who are clear about what they want for themselves and have a way to get what they want. Would anyone take up terrorism or war if their lives were filled with satisfaction and joy?

For the individual who wants to promote world peace, take 10 minutes a day for one month to meditate on what you do. Review your daily activities at the end of each day and ask yourself why you do what you do. Be completely honest with yourself - no one else needs to know. Do your daily activities really get you what you want? Some activities only take up your time and energy and leave you empty. Stop the time wasting activities and do something you always wanted to do. This will bring a sense of fulfillment. Fulfillment can bring peace and happiness which then radiates out to everyone around you. Fulfillment brings satisfaction and stops the hungry ghost mentality. There is another subtle change happening when this type of practice is done regularly. The mind gets trained to think and examine quickly and perform more efficiently. Your mind will learn to become efficient at finding successful ways of getting you what you want when you are very clear on what you want. There is a saying in the world of computers and technology "garbage in, garbage out." Meditate daily and make sure you are feeding your mind with value, clear thinking, and clear goals.

Take up a hobby. Learn a new skill. Meditate on your new skill or hobby and see yourself succeeding in your new skill. Actively practice the new skill and soon you will find a real sense of personal growth and accomplishment.

My parents took a creative writing class. They wrote humorous stories about their experiences. These stories were shared with a few people but never brought a real sense of success. A few years later, Mom decided to create family photo albums for all seven of her children. Mom and Dad wrote stories to go with the photos and bring meaning to the albums. The stories varied between interesting, sad, and humorous. In other words, those stories told about the people and events in the photos. The finished photo albums were a huge success!

Remember, this is about what you want for yourself - not what you want for someone else. Find and develop that which inspires you. Meditate daily. Develop your inner personal peace and sound thinking. Focus on positive ways to achieve worthy goals.

Quoting Bob Proctor, "You don't get what you want, you get what you are. You are the sum total of your thoughts. You have rich resources within you waiting to be developed." Widen your comfort zone. Take the time to develop yourself. The sense of satisfaction is well worth the effort. What will you develop - your hungry ghost or your success?

Remember, this is about what you want for yourself - not what you want for someone else. Find and develop that which inspires you. Meditate daily.

Therese Black is available for speaking engagements on developing world peace. Go to for more information on the 1 World Peace Plan.

View the original article here

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Pros and Cons of School Fencing

There are many different opinions concerning school fencing and the materials that this item should be constructed of. Many taxpayers feel that school fencing is in violation of their rights as taxpaying citizens. Many people feel that without the presence of school fencing the children that attend the classes on that campus are vulnerable to pedophiles and other people that would harm them. There are really good points on both sides of this argument.

School Fencing Pros:

1. School fencing will provide a distinguishing barrier between the areas the children play different games at. It can establish a field for football, baseball, and hockey. It stops the balls from the sporting activity from inadvertently hitting targets they should not have hit, like cars in the parking lot.

2. School fencing reduces the number of acts of vandalism the property is subjected to each year. It also reduces the number of times that thieves break in and steal computer equipment, and things of this nature.

3. A fenced in enclosure provides additional security for the children that attend the classes and provides peace of mind to the parents of those children.

4. Reduces the cost of the liability insurance coverage the school district is forced to carry.

5. Protects the children from being lost, kidnapped, or exposed to people they are better off not being exposed to.

School Fencing Cons:

1. Taxpayers have a right to public property that they pay taxes on

2. Increases the duties of the maintenance staff

3. Increases the duties of the grounds keeping personnel

4. Takes taxpayer dollars to pay for the materials to build these enclosures

5. If not properly maintained the fencing can become dangerous to the children on campus

The biggest point that the people who are against school fencing make is that they are paying for the property and they should have access to it. The fencing material will not prevent you from going to the property and from going on the property. It will cause you to have to check in with some member of the faculty before you go onto the property.

The best point that the people who are against the fencing make is that the materials to construct this enclosure will cost money. They are absolutely right about that. The trouble is that the enclosure provides security to our communities children. There is no way to place a price tag on the safety of a child.

The best point that the people for these enclosures make is that they provide the security to the children and they help the faculty to keep an eye on these children. This includes keeping the children in one place when they are playing their different types of ball. It also keeps the ball from causing damages to other peoples' property.

It is a fact that we do pay taxes that provide the funding for the public school buildings and properties. It is also a fact that the world we live in has become more dangerous to our young people. The rest of the decision is strictly up o you.

School fencing is one way to provide a measure of security to the children on a campus. School fencing does not have to be expensive or unsightly, and the folks at Zaun can demonstrate this to you.

View the original article here

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Indian Society

India is a vast peninsula with a total land area of about 33 million square kilometres, a population exceeding 122 crores. India's social structure is a unique blend of religions, cultures and racial groups. The history of India is a long long history. India was known as Bharatavasha which stretched from Hemalayan to sea. With the gradual march of time India bore the brunt of foreign invasions. The Persian, Greeks, Kushans, Indo-Greeks, Hunas, Muslims and the British occupied this land.The left the foot-prints of their culture on the sands of time.Indian culture absorbed all the influences and reflected its own uniqueness.

Origin of Indian Society

Our land, which is known today as 'Bharat' or 'India' was regarded as Bharatavarsha in the past. It was named after 'Bharata' the mighty legendaryhero and son of king Yushmanta and queen Shakuntala.

The persians and the Greeks extended their sway upto river Indus or Sindhu. Since persians pronounced the letter 'S' as 'H' they pronounced the word 'Sindhu' as 'Hindu'. In old persian epigraphs India was depicted as 'Hindus' or people of the India.

India was known as 'Hindustan' in medieval time. Sultans of Delhi and the Mughal emperor called this land as 'Hindustan'. A new change came to this land when the British conquest India. The British officers called this land as 'India'. From that time 'Bharat' or 'Hindustan' became India.

Composition of Indian Society

India's social structure is a unique blend of religions, cultures and racial groups. Historically, India has been a hospitable land to numerous immigrants and invaders from distant parts of Asia and Europe. The cultural patterns of these alien settlers have over the past many centuries been interwoven with the native culture to produce India's glorious cultural heritage.

India is a country where all the world's major religions are found. Among the major religions in India are: Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddism, Zoroastrianism and Animism. Each of these main religions has a number of sects of its own.

1. Hinduism: Majority of the people of India are Hindus. Hinduism is an amalgamation of Indo-Aryan, Dravidian and Pre-Dravidian religious elements. According to 2011 census, nearly 89.6% of Indian population are Hindus.

Hinduism contains a number of sects such as the Lingayat, the Kabirpanthi, the Sakta, the Radhaswamy, the Satnami, the Brahmo Samaj, the Arya Samaj and many others. Hinduism provides a solid base for national unity through common beliefs, festivals, customs and traditions. The followers of Hinduism, believe in the doctrine of 'Karma', 'Dharma', rebirth, immortality of soul, renunciation and salvation.

2. Islam: Islam, the religion of the Muslims, originated in Arabia. It entered India towards the end of the 12th century A.D. The Muslim rulers in India patronised it. Most of the Indian Muslims are converts from Hinduism or Buddhism.

Muslims in India constitute nearly 10% of total population. In 1941, in the undivided India, Muslim constituted nearly 24% of the total population. But, even now, India continues to have a large Muslim population.

Islam doesn't believe in idol worship. It professes the fatalistic acceptance of Allah's will and considers Prophet Mohammad as the greatest prophet. The 'Quran' sacred book of Islam, ordains five primary duties of a true and devout Muslim, such as belief in God (Allah), prayers of five times a day, the giving of alms, a month's fast every year and a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in the life time of Muslim.

3. Christianity: Christians in India are scattered all over the country, but they are mostly found in Kerala where they constitute nearly one-fourth of the State's population. At present 20.5 million people or 2.43% of the total population practise Christianity in India.

There are mainly three sects in India. They are (i) Romo-Syrians, (ii) Roman Catholics, (iii) Protestants.

4. Sikhism: Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak in the 16th century A.D.. The Sikhs were a part of Vaishnava sect of the Hinduism before they converted their religion. Sikhs are nearer to Hindus than the Muslims in their religious beliefs. Sikhs are mainly found in Punjab and the adjoining states. They form about 2% of our population.

5. Buddhism: Buddhism originated in India during the 6th century B.C. Gautam, the Buddha was the founder of Buddhism. Buddists are found in Sikkim and the adjoining hills. They are also found in Maharastra. The number of Buddhists in India is very meagre and it represents only less than 1% of the total population.

6. Jainism: Lord Mahavir established Jainism in India in the 6th century B.C. It is very close to Hinduism in its religious doctrines. They represent only small portion i.e. 0.45% of our total population. Jains are mainly urban people. They are found in town and cities of Punjab, U.P., Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharastra.

Jains are divided into three sects, namely; (1) The Digambaras, (2) The Swetambara, (3) The Dhundias.

7. Zoroastrianism or Parsi Religion: Zoroastrians are the follower of Zoroster. They came to India from Persia in the 7th century A.D. in order to escape from the forcible conversions to Islam. Their number in India is neglible. They are about one lakh in total, half of which live in the city of Bombay (Mumbai) alone. They are mainly urban. They are the most literate and are on the top of the economic ladder of India.

8. Animism: Animism is mainly a tribal faith. In India, there are about 30 million people who believe in Animism. It is a very primitive religion, according to which man is believed to be surrounded by a number of impersonal ghostly powers. These powers are said to reside in rocks, rivers, trees stones etc.. By propiating these powers the tribals think themselves make free from diseases and difficulties.

Thus, from the above discussion it is found that India is a land of numerous religions. Today, India strives to integrate its people into a great nation on secular lines.

We are covered with society and our customs, what do you think about this topic, give me reply.

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Pick From An Extensive Variety Of Hues In Joanna Chen's Xscape Dresses

Taste the rainbow of colors in Xscape dresses by fashion designer Joanna Chen, from handsome pastels to glowing reds and brilliant blues. Clean crisp whites and ivories, simple black, and navy been available in many styles and sizes as well. Regardless of what it is you are looking for, you will find a match in Xscape Dresses.

Looking for the perfect little black dress? Xscape provides many styles to choose from. A strapless bow-tied bodice complements the sexy mermaid bottom in a long taffeta and tulle gown. Another gown-length choice is a sleeveless V-neck in both front and back, fitting nicely with a full-length mermaid skirt in taffeta. If you are looking for something shorter, try the chiffon topped minidress with snug pleated skirt, which comes in both regular and plus sizes. A little sparkle on your shoulder lends a nice contrast to the black plus-size knee-length pleated cocktail dress. A swaying chiffon one-shoulder minidress is flirty and fun. Several black satin sheath dresses offer the casual look, coming with several choices of V-neck collar or ruffled collar.

If you want the drama of a dark dramatic dress without going all the way to black, Xscape Dresses come in many styles in the color navy. Beautiful beadwork on the bodice and above a sultry attention-grabbing deep slit on the hip adds dazzle to a flowing mesh gown. A one-shoulder swagged gown with a built-in belt of beads and crystals will make you feel like a Greek goddess. In shorter lengths, try the one-shoulder chiffon cocktail dress which features flattering vertical pleats. A curvy minidress shows off your figure and delights with a unique U-shaped bodice trimmed with jewels.

If you need a light colored beautiful gown for a formal occasion, try the vertical-pleated ivory gown in chiffon, which features a stylish cutout back. On the casual side, a short and strapless number in white has a front panel that invokes the image of a butterfly. Simple yet elegant describes the sleeveless ivory cocktail dress in stretch satin. An ivory one-shoulder featuring criss-crossed jewels at the bodice adds delicious sparkle to a full length chiffon gown.

Designer Joanna Chen also delivers numerous choices in bright colors and pastels. Magenta one-shoulder gowns in either regular or plus sizes feature a jeweled brooch atop the one shoulder. A strapless chiffon in cool, hot bright blue features the popular new high-low hem. Coral offers several choices, from a criss-cross bodice on a strapless gown to a jeweled one shoulder chiffon cocktail. Be a tangerine dream in a high-low hem swaying chiffon strapless. The graded-color look of ombré shows up in several dresses in the Xscape line, frequently in shades of blue.

Many colors await you in dresses from Xscape designed by Joanna Chen, where you will be sure to find a dress to meet your occasion and taste, in a size that fits. Bright colors, pretty pastels, dramatic blacks, navy, and clean whites are all part of the Xscape collection. From plain black or white, to bright colors to pastels, Xscape dresses by Joanna Chen come in a wide assortment to meet your taste and the occasion.

See the colors of the latest Xscape dresses collection at Liz Baumann is an LED clothing designer and a fashion blogger living in Boulder, Colorado.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Debt Assistance for Single Mothers

You thought that you had all of your finances in order. You had a handle on your debt and you were making a good life for yourself and your family. Then, you were faced with an unplanned life event or emergency that really caused you some problems and complications when it came to your financial situation and the debt that you had. This is all to common for many single mothers and many times these situations cannot be avoided. The good news is that there is a way for you to get a handle on your debt and to get back on your feet again.

Lending tree is one company that you may want to think about looking at. If you are in need of debt counseling then you will be very impressed to know that lending tree counselors will be able to help you manage your debt by helping you create a budget that you can work with. These professionals may even be able to work with creditors in order to try to have late fees waived so that you are not paying nearly as much as you would if you were not working through a debt management plan.

Something else that you might find great about lending tree is that they will be able to help you get a home for you and your children. This is because they work with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to make homes more accessible to more people. This is by offering loans that are called FHA loans. This may be exactly what you need if you are struggling with debt and you need home repairs or you would like to purchase a new home or mobile home to help you get back on your feet. When you have a home of your own, and you are making your payments on time you will be helping your credit score as well so that you can begin to make rebuild your life and get back on track.

Another company that you may want to look to when you are in need of debt consolidation services would be debt consolidation care. When you arrive on their site you will be given a list of states and you can select your state in order to find companies that are local to you.

Are you wondering why you may benefit from working with a debt consolidation company? Well, there are actually a lot of different benefits. First off, you will be able to save a great deal of money on interest that you may otherwise need to pay back to the companies that you owe money to. Next, if you are able to use these services you will be able to work on paying down the debt that you do have much faster than if you were trying to do this on your own. Third, how many times a day are you getting phone calls from creditors? This is very stressful and it can be a hassle. But, if you are working on debt management and you work with a company you will be able to get these phone calls to stop. Finally, most companies that you use are going to work on having your payments rolled into a one month payment. Many individuals will tell you that they have a much easier time managing their bills and payments when they only need to make one payment.

Before you select any company it will be good for you to check with the Better Business Bureau in your immediate area to ensure that they do not have a lot of complaints filed against them. Also, spend some time looking through testimonials that others may have posted about the company. You always want to know what others have to say about their services to decide if they will be able to help you or not. And, last but not least, you will always want to find out if there are any hidden fees that you are going to be required to pay. You do not want to be hit with these in the end as they could be very high and this will only cause you more problems later on.

"Financial Help for Single Mothers" is one of the good online resources that provides useful guide and tips for single mothers. You will be able to find information such as loans, grants, applications, and other financial aids. Visit the website:

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