Friday, August 24, 2012

Inspiration, War, Peace, and the Hungry Ghost

What happens when a person has nothing in life that brings a sense of real success? Let's start by defining success as accomplishing something that requires a person to stretch them self beyond their personal comfort zone. Success could also be simple satisfaction - perhaps the satisfaction of feeding one's family, living in peace, having an income, or attaining basic desires.

Satisfaction brings the joy of success. Forgetting, or not having, the joy of success can lead to a hungry ghost mentality. The hungry ghost mentality is also known as a person's empty cup or unmet need. When the hungry ghost grows too large, destructive behaviors can easily follow. The hungry ghost personality might spend too much money, become alcoholic, abuse drugs, and even see those destructive behaviors as a way to overcome a challenge.

The hungry ghost is a vampire attitude. Vampires will find anything to feed on that will give them a sense of success. The vampire success is a false sense of success. This type of success is temporary and must be constantly fed - just like a drug problem. There is no real, lasting sense of accomplishment. Often, the vampire success cannot even be openly shared and is usually based in fear.

Theft is a vampire behavior.
Developing a new skill or hobby is a real success.
Manipulating another person to do something against their will is a vampire behavior.
Outdoor adventures can bring real personal growth.
War and terrorism are vampire behaviors.

The hungry ghost/vampire is an emotional-mental emptiness. Something within the person has not been fulfilled. There is a need within the person which will be filled one way or another. That need might be filled by endless shopping, alcoholism, illegal behaviors, abusive behaviors, or something else. How that hungry ghost emptiness is filled varies from one person to another.

Take a look at what currently fills your time. Ask yourself what you want from that activity. Drill down on what you want. For example, if you are considering working a second job ask yourself what you want from that job - more money? What do you want more money for - to buy something? What is it you want to buy? Perhaps you drill down to wanting a home that has no mortgage. OK, that means you want a second job so you can have a home that is paid for. Most people are not clear about what they really want. When you are not clear about what you want, getting what you really want becomes exceedingly problematic. Keep in mind that none of this is about what someone else wants or what you want for someone else. This is about your goals and dreams.

Why do terrorists do what they do? Do people really become terrorists because they want to die? Mentally sound people do not set out to get killed. Do people become terrorists because that is their only option for an income and a life? Does it really get them what they want? Some people might think that is exactly how terrorism is working for them. Reality says they are coerced and manipulated - one wrong move and them and their families might be destroyed. Is this really how anyone wants to live? Does terrorism even get what the terrorist leadership wants? For example, what did Bin Laden really want? We all heard "down with the United States - destroy them!" We all heard about the hatred. Back to the question - what did he really want? Does anyone know? Realistically speaking the goal of destruction will only destroy Bin Laden (which it did). The news did an excellent job of putting forth the idea that Bin Laden wanted revenge on the US government or he wanted to force Islamist beliefs onto everyone much like being a small time Hitler. War and terrorism do not work for obtaining these types of goals. The idea that Bin Laden only wanted to terrorize as many people as possible takes one back to the goal of destruction. Terrorism is designed to instill fear and Bin Laden definitely lived in fear. Are the people following terrorist leaders confused about what they want for their own lives or are they operating out of fear? Education is certainly a factor here. Education changes how people think. There will be more on education at a later date.

From Phil Johnson, MBL: "... People don't like it when you change because the ways they used to manipulate you stop working."

Terrorism has been in use around the globe for many years and it has never worked. Someone once said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Perhaps people do the same thing over and over and expect different results because they are confused about what results they want. When people are just feeding their hungry ghost, they are not clear about their goals and will perform all sorts of insane behaviors.

Terrorist leadership cannot manipulate people who are clear about what they want for themselves and have a way to get what they want. Would anyone take up terrorism or war if their lives were filled with satisfaction and joy?

For the individual who wants to promote world peace, take 10 minutes a day for one month to meditate on what you do. Review your daily activities at the end of each day and ask yourself why you do what you do. Be completely honest with yourself - no one else needs to know. Do your daily activities really get you what you want? Some activities only take up your time and energy and leave you empty. Stop the time wasting activities and do something you always wanted to do. This will bring a sense of fulfillment. Fulfillment can bring peace and happiness which then radiates out to everyone around you. Fulfillment brings satisfaction and stops the hungry ghost mentality. There is another subtle change happening when this type of practice is done regularly. The mind gets trained to think and examine quickly and perform more efficiently. Your mind will learn to become efficient at finding successful ways of getting you what you want when you are very clear on what you want. There is a saying in the world of computers and technology "garbage in, garbage out." Meditate daily and make sure you are feeding your mind with value, clear thinking, and clear goals.

Take up a hobby. Learn a new skill. Meditate on your new skill or hobby and see yourself succeeding in your new skill. Actively practice the new skill and soon you will find a real sense of personal growth and accomplishment.

My parents took a creative writing class. They wrote humorous stories about their experiences. These stories were shared with a few people but never brought a real sense of success. A few years later, Mom decided to create family photo albums for all seven of her children. Mom and Dad wrote stories to go with the photos and bring meaning to the albums. The stories varied between interesting, sad, and humorous. In other words, those stories told about the people and events in the photos. The finished photo albums were a huge success!

Remember, this is about what you want for yourself - not what you want for someone else. Find and develop that which inspires you. Meditate daily. Develop your inner personal peace and sound thinking. Focus on positive ways to achieve worthy goals.

Quoting Bob Proctor, "You don't get what you want, you get what you are. You are the sum total of your thoughts. You have rich resources within you waiting to be developed." Widen your comfort zone. Take the time to develop yourself. The sense of satisfaction is well worth the effort. What will you develop - your hungry ghost or your success?

Remember, this is about what you want for yourself - not what you want for someone else. Find and develop that which inspires you. Meditate daily.

Therese Black is available for speaking engagements on developing world peace. Go to for more information on the 1 World Peace Plan.

View the original article here

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