Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thomas Mulcair Leads the NDP


The New Democratic Party has a new leader, and you can expect him to keep things lively. Thomas Mulcair is quick, articulate and he doesn't back away from a good fight "in the public interest." A former Quebec provincial environment minister, Mulcair joined the federal NDP in 2007, winning a by-election in the Liberal stronghold of Outremont in Montreal and becoming the only Quebec NDP member of parliament. That was until the 2011 federal election which brought 57 more Quebec MPs, many of them young, into the NDP fold.

Mulcair has set his priorities as sustainability, prosperity and economic justice. He has a firm eye on the 2015 federal election and is only too well aware that the NDP has only three seats west of the Ontario border and east of British Columbia, including none in Saskatchewan, the birthplace of the party.

Photo: ? Flickr user mattjiggins

More on the NDP
New Democratic Party of Canada
Write to the NDP Leader
Federal NDP Leaders Since 1961

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Thomas Mulcair Leads the NDP


The New Democratic Party has a new leader, and you can expect him to keep things lively. Thomas Mulcair is quick, articulate and he doesn't back away from a good fight "in the public interest." A former Quebec provincial environment minister, Mulcair joined the federal NDP in 2007, winning a by-election in the Liberal stronghold of Outremont in Montreal and becoming the only Quebec NDP member of parliament. That was until the 2011 federal election which brought 57 more Quebec MPs, many of them young, into the NDP fold.

Mulcair has set his priorities as sustainability, prosperity and economic justice. He has a firm eye on the 2015 federal election and is only too well aware that the NDP has only three seats west of the Ontario border and east of British Columbia, including none in Saskatchewan, the birthplace of the party.

Photo: ? Flickr user mattjiggins

More on the NDP
New Democratic Party of Canada
Write to the NDP Leader
Federal NDP Leaders Since 1961

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Alberta PCs Pull a Majority out of the Hat


Although the polls and pundits were predicting the Alberta Progressive Conservative (PC) dynasty was about to come to an end, at the last minute voters got nervous about the Wildrose Party and gave Premier Alison Redford and the PCs a majority government in the Alberta provincial election on Monday. That's the 12th consecutive majority for the party.

Alberta Election Results 2012

For most of the 28-day election campaign, Wildrose leader Danielle Smith and her party could do no wrong. Smith herself is young, articulate, direct and calm. She hit on issues that were bugging Albertans - property rights, the PC's attitude of entitlement, and accusations of PC corruption. Although Smith herself has little political experience, she was supported by seasoned political handlers, including Tom Flanagan, a former adviser to Stephen Harper. Alison Redford, who has been Premier since she won the PC leadership in October 2011, usually responds to criticism, but it often takes her two or three tries to get it right. In a 28-day election campaign, you don't have that luxury.

In the last week of the campaign, Smith ran into problems. One of the Wildrose candidates was found to have a blog suggesting that gays were destined to an eternity in "the lake of fire." Another said he had an advantage in the election because he was Caucasian. Smith claimed candidates in her party were allowed their personal views but the Wildrose would never legislate on "contentious social issues." Smith also said she wasn't convinced on the science of climate change - a rather discouraging statement for a woman hoping to lead the province through international and national challenges on the oil sands. Overall, the Wildrose did pick up seats, going from four MLAs at dissolution to 17, but that's a long way from the 44 seats needed for a majority. Danielle Smith will now have a seat in the legislative assembly.

Photo: Alberta Premier Alison Redford
? Flickr user PremierofAlberta

Province of Alberta
Alberta Provincial Elections
Alberta Facts
Premiers of Alberta Since 1905

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Winnipeg General Strike 1919


May 1 is International Workers' Day, a day traditionally marking achievements of the international labour movement. It's a good time to look back at the massive six-week Winnipeg general strike iin 1919, and think about how far we've come.

In the Winnipeg strike, which nearly crippled the city, the 30,000 striking workers were generally peaceful and worked to maintain essential services. But authorities reacted aggressively. Canadian newspapers spread fear about Bolshevism and a red conspiracy. When the Winnipeg police wouldn't sign a no-strike pledge, they were fired and replaced with 1800 "Specials" supplied with horses and baseball bats. The Immigration Act was changed to allow deportation of British-born strike leaders, and the definition of sedition in the Criminal Code was broadened. After the Mounties charged a demonstration on Bloody Saturday, with two killed and 30 injured, the strike was called off. There were few gains for the workers.

Photo: Library and Archives Canada / PA-163001

Income Security in Canada
Minimum Wage in Canada
Employment and Labour Standards in Canada
Employment Insurance in Canada
Canadian Government Pensions

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Prince Charles and Camilla Royal Tour 2012


Prince Charles and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, will visit three provinces in Canada from May 21 to 23 on a short Royal tour to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee. 2012 marks the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's reign as Queen of Canada. The theme of this tour is "service to Canada," and will focus on Canadians who serve our country in many different ways, including volunteers at hospitals, men and women in the Canadian Forces, peace officers and educators and parents.

The Royal couple's schedule includes: May 21 - Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Gagetown, Oromocto, New BrunswickMay 21 - Saint John, New BrunswickMay 21 and 22 - Toronto, OntarioMay 22 and 23 - Regina, Saskatchewan

Photo: Prince Charles and Camilla in St. John's, Newfoundland in 2009
Chris Jackson / Getty Images

More on the Monarchy in Canada
Queen Elizabeth Biography
Royal Visits of Queen Elizabeth to Canada
Line of Succession to the Throne
The Monarchy in Canada

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Senate Reform in Canada

There have been concerns about the makeup of the Senate and its role since Confederation. The complaints nowadays seem to centre around who gets appointed, how representative it is, and their short work weeks. (The Senate did only sit for 64 days in 2011.) If you ever get a chance to sit in on a Senate committee hearing though, you'll be amazed at the level of discussion. It's usually well-researched, intelligent and just plain interesting. It's a very different exercise than House of Commons committee meetings which feel more like political ping-pong.

The latest effort at Senate reform in Canada is a two-pronged bill which sets fixed terms of nine years for senators, and also provides a voluntary "framework" for provinces to select Senate nominees which the prime minister can consider. It's likely that this approach will also spend some time in legal wrangling over constitutionality.

The Senate of Canada
The Role of Canadian Senators
Salaries of Canadian Senators
Introduction to Parliament

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Good-Bye to the Canadian Penny


It isn't gone yet, but after this week's budget it's certainly time to say good-bye to the Canadian penny! Come this fall, the Royal Canadian Mint is going to stop producing and distributing pennies to banks. We'll still be able to use pennies in cash transactions, but if they're not available then prices will be rounded (up or down) to the nearest five cents. All those people (I'm one) with jars of pennies stashed away will still be able to redeem them at banks. Of course we'll probably have to roll them all first, which is one of the reasons they haven't been turned in before now.

However, since it costs 1.6 cents to produce each new penny, and the move away from them will save $11 million a year, it's time it was done. Next, it's the nickel's turn.

Photo: Pierre Desrosiers / Getty Images

See Also: Canadian Currency

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Battle of Ypres 1915


Canadians established their reputation as a fighting force in World War I during the second Battle of Ypres in April 1915. The 1st Canadian Division had just arrived on the Western Front and, after a long artillery bombardment, held their own against the Germans' use of a new weapon of modern warfare - chlorine gas.

It was also in the trenches at Ypres that John McCrae wrote the poem In Flanders Fields when a close friend of his became one of 6000 Canadian casualties in just 48 hours.

Photo: Flanders Poppies
Tom Brakefield / Getty Images

Canada and World War I
Battle of Vimy Ridge
Battle of Beaumont Hamel
Battle of Passchendaele
The Halifax Explosion
Canada and World War I

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Alberta Election 2012

Alberta voters will be going to the polls on April 23, 2012.

It's Premier Alison Redford's first election as leader of the Alberta Progressive Conservative (PC) Party, which has been in power since 1971. Redford won the leadership race on the issue of change - both generational change and attitudinal change - and she definitely leans to the progressive side of progressive conservative.

She has a tough battle on her hands from another conservative party - the right-wing, libertarian Wildrose Party, led by Danielle Smith. The Wildrose Party is more populist, wants smaller government, and is advocating direct democracy measures such as referendums and MLA recalls, as well as lower MLA salaries.

The difference between the two conservative parties in Alberta is much like that between the federal Progressive Conservatives and the Reform Party of Canada in 1988, and includes some of the same players.

The PCs and Wildrose are running neck and neck. You can catch the Alberta leaders in action during the TV leaders' debate on Thursday April 12 on Global TV at 6:30 pm MDT.

More on the Alberta Election
Who Can Vote in Alberta Elections
New Electoral Divisions in Alberta
Register to Vote In the Alberta Election
Voting Information for Alberta Elections
Party Platform Promises - Edmonton Journal

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Relief From Canadian Tax Penalties or Interest


If exceptional circumstances beyond your control result in you being charged tax penalties or interest by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), you might be able to get those charges reduced or cancelled. To get relief from tax penalties or interest you have to file an application request with the CRA. Types of exceptional circumstances that would be considered include disasters, such as a fire or flood, serious illness or accident, and mental distress, such as from the death of a family member. Penalties or interest caused by the CRA, like from long delays in an audit, are also considered. Serious financial hardship - to the extent of insolvency - is another circumstance the CRA looks at. You have to make your case and provide plenty of supporting documentation, but in some instances it might be worth it.

Photo: David Sacks / Getty Images

Canadian Income Taxes
Canadian Income Taxes - The Basics
Penalties for Filing Taxes Late
How to Change Your Income Tax Return
Income Tax Packages From Past Years

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

VE-Day Riots in Halifax, 1945

Word of Germany's surrender in World War II was met by celebrations across Canada in early May 1945, but in Halifax, Nova Scotia the VE-Day celebrations rapidly turned into riots. The Halifax VE-Day riots lasted for two days as military personnel and civilians roamed the streets, drinking, smashing windows, looting businesses and setting fires.

More About Canadians in World War II
Prime Minister Mackenzie King
C.D. Howe - "Minister of Everything"
Elsie MacGill - "Queen of the Hurricanes"
Canada in World War II

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rejoice and Experience the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebration

Are you bored at home doing nothing? Are you stressed out due to extreme works? Do you want to take a holiday but tired and sick of going to beaches? Then your timing is perfect! Set the date. Book your flight. Fly miles away to the largest metropolitan area in United Kingdom and have a good time and rejoice in the Diamond Jubilee celebration.

Tourists will surely enjoy this once in a lifetime event in London as Her Majesty celebrates her 60th year in the throne. The Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebration is to be celebrated from the 2nd to the 5th of June. The city of London is sure to be the talk of all towns or even by other countries. Local citizens and tourists should gear up for an extraordinary summer that is filled with different extravaganzas. There is sure to be a superb party milieu in the city with a four day holiday and a load of exciting and fun events in line. This event will surely become the highlight of the year 2012 of London.

Events in the Diamond Jubilee celebration in London City will be of variety. The events will include: River Pageant, The Big Jubilee Lunch, Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee walk and a load more fun and excited experience.

As a tourist, you will be glad to experience a pageant that will place on a river - the Queens Diamond Jubilee River Pageant. A total of 1000 boars are more likely to participate in this event. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will lead the convoy. On the other hand, for music lovers, there is also a televised concert waiting for you that will be held at the Buckingham Palace.

The streets are also to be filled with celebrations and parties due to the Big Jubilee Lunch. The streets of London will surely be flooded by foods and drinks as the citizens all over the country are said to be hosting street parties. Since this is part of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebration, tourists are of course fully welcome.

The celebration is not yet finished as you will also experience the lighting of the National Beacon by Her Majesty herself. All over the country, the citizens will also light beacons. It will be on the fourth day that the celebration ends through a Thanksgiving mass and a Carriage Procession.

With a variety of events, you will not regret going to London for a vacation. Instead of going to your usual out of the country spots such as beaches, why not visit and celebrate with the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebration. Experience the grand and royal celebration of Her Majesty. This is surely a once in a lifetime event that you should not miss.

For one of the top Boutique London Hotels check out Simply Rooms and Suites. Set in the heart of London, newly designed Simply Rooms & Suites is one of the new Hotels near Olympia London.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

The Fittest Survive As Do the Preppers

It is always said to survive a crisis we need to be fit enough to overcome the hassles. And the one who is the fittest may win the battle of survival in the end. This is because he or she has prepared himself or herself mentally to fight and survive in any condition. Such a survivalist is strong mentally, but one cannot live long only on such mental preparedness. Practically, many other facts have to be considered for survival. You can possibly have a survival list and carry the items along when you flee for life. Preppers usually have this list that includes food, water, shelter, medication, sanitation and security. These are the most essential supplies one should have during an emergency. This will let them survive for a period of at least three to five days without much trouble.

So, what does a prepper mean? The answer is simple. Fundamentally, a person who always stays prepared for any emergency situation can be termed as a prepper. You can find such survivalists everywhere. They not only live on any disaster but also, help others survive through them. And because of these, many people are able to endure the disaster and come out from the death trap. All over the world a number of emergencies occur day in and day out. Some of them are manmade while the others are natural. Nobody really wants to get into such situations however, they are unavoidable. So it is prudent to be prepared for such calamities and keep essentials for use at such times for yourself and your fellow beings. Many a time an emergency period may last long and test you terribly.

If the aftermath of the disaster compels you to stay away from home for a longer period, then helping each other becomes an imperative task. You need to build a good rapport with the fellow beings. And each can help the other and share the essentials to survive from calamity until an outsider arrives for help. A prepper would have prepared himself or herself taking cues from a survival blog or a preppers guide. But, not everyone trapped would be one. So it will be good to help each other and learn to survive in the extremities too.

Forming a community will be helpful for everyone. The help rendered to each other will help you survive for a longer period and also protect each other from other troubles that may crop in. Ultimately, calamities can be fought collectively and overcoming them will be easier.

The author of the article has profound knowledge on survival strategies and has written blogs on prepper, survivalists and survival supplies. Get to know more information from

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Ecotourism: Going Green on the Go

Summer is almost here and for most of us that means vacation time. Great news, we can vacation and still maintain our green principles. It's called ecotourism. Ecotourism, according to the World English Dictionary, is traveling to destinations that celebrate nature and vacationing in a way that protects or minimizes our impact on the world around us. You are probably thinking this means camping out. While ecotourism can involve camping out it does not have to mean sacrificing the comforts of indoor plumbing or any other comfort for that matter. Here are some steps you can take to create the green vacation of your dreams.

Make informed decisions
Research is always a great place to start before embarking on any new adventure. Ecotourism has become popular in the last few years, so just about any destination you chose will have eco-friendly options. If you are traveling inside the United States an Internet search for the Department of Environmental Protection in the state you are visiting will list hotels engaged in green activities. There are also plenty of hotels internationally that cater to patrons interested in going green while on the go. Websites such as Greenloons promote destinations around the world that specialize in ecotourism. There are green hotels and travel to fit just about any budget.

Ask Questions
However you chose to travel by plane, train, or automobile earth friendly options may be available. Asking questions can unlock all kinds of previously unknown options. Many car rental agencies offer hybrids. Since they are considered to be specialty cars the price is significantly higher than economy cars but the price range is generally in the middle range of all the cars offered.

Airlines such as Virgin America, Delta, and a few others are praised as being more eco-conscious than most. They go beyond recycling. Like airplanes trains have made many improvements within the last decade. They are cleaner, lighter, and emit less greenhouse gases than they did in the past.

Plan Ahead
Since ecotourism is becoming more popular planning ahead and booking ahead is a great way to get the eco-options that you want. It will help you get first choice options and save money.

Beware of Greenwashing
Beware of greenwashing. Greenwashing is when businesses deceptively promote the idea that the business engages in earth friendly policies. Doing your research and asking questions can help you make the right decisions when it comes to enjoying an earth friendly vacation.

Kimberly Winston is a doctoral candidate at Walden University. Her website is dedicated to green living and saving green. informs readers on green issues and provides tips for going green.

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Recruit Graduates to Replace People Who Are Retiring

In every corporation there are people who have been with the company so long that they are soon going to retire. In the majority of companies some of those individuals that are retiring will be almost impossible to replace. The best chance that a CEO has of getting someone to take the place of a longtime worker that is about to retire is to recruit graduates to fill the position.

When you recruit graduates to fill the positions about to be left vacant by a retiring employee you will be getting someone that has the educational requirements to do the job that needs doing. You also will be getting a fresh young perspective that can help you stay ahead of the game and not become stale in your business practices and applications.

When you recruit graduates to fill the positions being vacated by an older employee you will get someone that you can mold the way your company wants them. This means that they will not already be set in their way of doing things so they can be instructed as to how your corporation likes things to be done and they will do it that way with no questions asked.

When you hire a professional employment agency to recruit graduates for you then you will be able to sit back and wait for the perfect employee to be sent to your offices. They will already have been screened for the proper credentials, and they will be ready to sign a contract to work for you. Their backgrounds will already have been investigated, and they will be finishing their last months of college. This kind of hiring takes all of the work out of interviewing, screening, and processing all of the applicants that would like to have a job with your company. All you will need to do is approve of the person that is sent to you.

Once you start to recruit graduates to fill openings in your company you will see that this makes the best business sense. You can use the person that is about to retire to train the fresh young mind in the way that things are done in your business. You will have the experience that you have come to rely on and the fresh perspective that you need all in the same package. As the old saying goes "you can have your cake and eat it too".

The very best thing for you to do is to choose an employment service that does this type of recruitment and hire them to find you the perfect employee. You will need to give them all the details that you have on what you are looking for in an employee, and what things you have to offer to make the individual desire employment at your corporation rather than seeking a position elsewhere. The money will be well spent because if you did this job yourself you would need to have a full time recruitment specialist on the payroll.

You can recruit graduates to fill the positions that are about to be left open by retiring employees. Agencies like Grad Central can help you to recruit graduates that will meet your needs so you can have them trained and ready before your other employee retires.

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Queen Elizabeth II and The British Royal Family

The current British Royal Family is composed of the Queen, Elizabeth II, her husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, their children, and the Queen's relatives bearing the title style Royal Highness. The current royal family is descended from Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Before World War I, the British Royal Family is named the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. In 1917, out from strong anti-German sentiments and a surge of anti-monarchist propaganda, King George V (the current queen's grandfather) changed the name of the British Royal Family from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to Windsor, named after the oldest inhabited castle in the world.

A Queen is Born

Queen Elizabeth II was born Elizabeth Alexandra Mary in 1926. Her father was then the Duke of York, while her mother was the former Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. The young Elizabeth's father was never expected to become king because he had an elder brother, Edward, Prince of Wales, who ascended as King Edward VIII in 1936. However, the new king fell in love with a twice-divorced American, Wallis Warfield-Simpson. Those days, marrying a divorcee meant social disgrace and the king was faced with the dilemma of choosing between his duty as head of the Great Britain and the Commonwealth and marrying the "woman that he loves." He abdicated in December 1936, was made Duke of Windsor, and married Mrs. Simpson the following year.

King George VI and Queen Elizabeth

The new king assumed the name George VI and went on to rule Great Britain and the far-flung British Empire from 1936 until his death in 1952. He and Queen Elizabeth were popular anti-German figures during World War II that boosted the morale of their countrymen. After his death, their elder daughter, Elizabeth, succeeded as Queen Elizabeth II. Her reign ushered in the New Elizabethan II and marked the disintegration of the British Empire and the development of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Furthermore, her reign witnessed the gradual decline of the monarch's political power, albeit her fairness and wisdom proved better than any of her prime ministers. In 2002, she celebrated her 50th year on the throne, followed by her diamond jubilee in 2012.

The British Royal Family Today

In 1947, she married Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. He was born a Prince of Greece and Denmark, although he relinquished that title, as well as his rights to the throne of Greece and Denmark before he married Elizabeth. Prince Philip is the queen's strong supporter in various public and ceremonial functions. He also takes official and charitable duties of his own in support for the British Royal Family. The couple has four children: Charles, Prince of Wales; Anne Princess Royal; Albert, Duke of York; and Edward, Earl of Wessex.

Christian George Acevedo has been writing since his elementary years but it was just recently that he discovered the varied opportunities that web writing has to offer. He is a licensed teacher, a gardener of some capacity, a voracious reader, an obsessed philatelist, an avid royalist, a staunch libertarian, and a passionate, though, solitary writer.

He loves it when he is alone and writing about his favorite topics, including travel, education, entertainment, home improvement, personal finance, real estate, health, and gardening. Visit his blogsite about royalty,, or read his posts at Associated Content, Helium, Suite101, and Triond.

Feel free to contact him at

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bloggers Ethics - Truth and Fairness

Various social medias and blogs plays a very important part in present-day journalism. It's a useful source to the media persons in gathering various news. They are now the bridge between journalists and the people. Journalists very often pick serious and important issues from the blog and verify the ethical standards of fairness, accuracy, truthfulness, transparency and independence when using social media as you do on air and on all digital and printed news platforms.

It is very pertinent that social media should also check all the postings, comments about their truthfulness and fairness.

All information gathered from social media like blog posting, their comments should go through scanner before their posting. Moreover, their source of information, correctness should also be provided while posting and the reader should not be left guessing on misleading information.

In many cases it has experienced that wrong information leads to an outcry in some places, state or in the country. All postings in the social media are live and are available to anybody at any time. It is therefore essential to correct any mistake may it factual or by omission, so that while it is archives reader can go through the correction.

When any content or video being used from the blogs or social media, before their use some logical question should be asked, like what is the truthfulness of the content, what is the reason of their posting and the right of the person of the posting and the picture. Does the person has the legal right of the photograph or is it his/her own shoot? Often it was seen that image or video been manipulated, so before it's using meta-data should be checked.

Freedom of speech and expression is a constitutionally guaranteed fundamental right of the Indian people. Article 19 (1; a) ensures the implicit freedom but Article 19 (2) qualifies this in explicit terms. The Parliamentary Proceedings (protection of Publication) Act of 1977 and the Prevention of Publication of Objectionable Matter (Repeal Act) of 1977 further reinforce and restrict these freedoms.While constitutional guarantees ensure freedom of the press and expression, press and media are obligated by a self-regulatory system of ethics that protect people and organizations from defamatory behavior.

Twitter, Facebook are Social sites and have a system of "privacy" setting, users can choose not to have their pictures or expression in front of the uninvited public. Collecting content from a public social site is different from inquisitive behind a password-protected wall posing as a friend. Accessing "private" content, journalists should apply the same guidelines and ethics as per Act of 1977 for undercover journalism. So before using any content, picture or video due consideration should be given to the followings:

- Does the content has a 'reasonable expectation' of privacy?

- Is this a content of great significance?

- Is there any alternate way to get the information?

- Are you willing to show your methods and reasoning, if challenged?

- What are your journalistic motivations?

I agree that each of us has our opinion which is what makes the blogosphere so popular, if we all agreed we would have the nothing to debate or to talk about. But we should also apply the following blogging ethics:

That we shall not lie

That we shall honor our country

That we shalt not recoil before thine enemy

That we shall always stay faithful

That we shall always be the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

6 News Video Clips That We'll Never Forget

Although the event may have taken place long ago, the impact of the event is at times as powerful as ever when you see it again in news video clips. Even the simplest things can catch our attention, but some footage is so powerful that it can literally shape people's lives and emotions for many years. Sometimes it's not just the event itself but how it's reported that makes a video clip even more impactful.


Very few Americans who lived through the events of September 11, 2001, have not seen the news footage of what occurred that day in New York. The stunning, unreal views of the places as they crashed into the twin towers is etched into the minds and hearts of millions, but the collapse of the towers is just as shocking and horrific. None of it is likely to be forgotten by any who witnessed it.

Moon Landing

Almost anyone who was alive in 1969 clearly remembers all of the coverage about the first moon landing and those historic first steps Neil Armstrong placed on the surface of the moon. Millions of people felt very involved in the space race and couldn't get enough of watching pictures beamed back from the moon, even when nothing was going on.


The fiery crash of the zeppelin Hindenburg in 1937 continues to fascinate people to this day. It is unimaginable that this huge creation could burn to ashes in under a minute, yet the evidence is there for all to see. The people jumping from the airship and those scattering out from under the wreckage add to the impact of this clip.

2004 Tsunami

The incredible footage of the Tsunami that struck the coast of Indonesia, Thailand, and other countries, killing hundreds of thousands, brought home the raw power of the ocean. As the waves came towards shore, their size doesn't seem that pronounced but as the waves receded back to the ocean carrying houses, cars and people, it's easy to see why so many died.

Challenger Disaster

The shocking explosion of the space shuttle Challenger stopped many Americans in their tracks. As often as the news media replayed news video clips of the takeoff and subsequent explosion, it's difficult to imagine that there isn't a person alive who hasn't seen the Challenger disaster.

Osama Bin Laden

After waiting so long, many Americans were riveted to the televisions to watch the video clips of the taking of Osama Bin Laden's compound and the killing of Bin Laden. Even though the original reports came from the news media in the newsrooms, it wasn't long before actual news footage from inside the compound was shown.

Dale Kenton wanted to find archival footage and clips of the most unforgettable news videos from the past 50 years for his project. NBCUniversal Archives has the news video clips and footage you need for any production.

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How London Won the Race to Host the 2012 Olympics

The submission deadline for the 2012 Olympics was on 15 July of 2003 and by this date, there were nine cities which had submitted their bids to host the 2012 Olympics. The nine cities included London, Leipzig, Istanbul, Madrid, Paris, Havana, Moscow as well as New York City.

A scored technical evaluation was carried out by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on 18 May 2004. Out of this evaluation; the number of cities was reduced to five: London, Moscow, Paris, Madrid, and New York. After this, the five cities were requested to submit their candidate files by 19 November 2004 and the International Olympic Committee visited each city during the months of February and March to carry out thorough inspection. During the inspection visit by the IOC inspection team, Paris was found to have two main drawbacks: a report came out that one of the important members of the Paris bid team was going to face corruption charges related to party political finances and there were several demonstrations and strikes that coincided with the visits.

Despite of the drawbacks that Paris was facing, the IOC released a report of the evaluation on 6 June 2005 that shown that it was the city which was most considered to be the most positive, followed closely by London. What raised many people's eyebrows was the fact that the report had no rankings or scores to show why cities were considered. Madrid and New York also received positive evaluation reports.

The appointment of Sebastian Coe as a new head of London 2012 brought a lot of improvements in the score of London against Paris. There were some reports that stated to emerge in late August 2004 that predicted a Paris London tie in the 2012 bid for the Olympics games. A neck-and-neck race between Paris and London was seen to increase in the final run to 117th IOC session. The prediction of which city between London and Paris will win was not easy and even Jacques Roggie was unable to tell when asked on 1 July 2005.

At the 117th IOC session on 6 July 2005 the final selection was announced where the first city to be eliminated was Moscow followed by New York and Madrid. London and Paris were the only two cities that were left in contention. London won to host the 2012 Olympic Games on the fourth round of voting with 54 votes while Paris was defeated with 50 votes. This brought about celebrations in London for winning but these celebrations did not last for long due to the terrorists attacks on London's transport system that occurred less than 24 hours after the 2012 Olympic Game victory was announced.

For somewhere cheap to stay in London try one of the Kensington Hotels like Kensington West, which is one of the more affordable Hotels Near Royal Albert Hall.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

FarmVille Is the Best Game Ever

In this day and age I think it's safe to say that everyone knows FarmVille. People who do not even play the game are familiar with this flash game mostly because of hearsay or through browsing the internet. FarmVille is a farming simulation social network game and is quite similar to the critically acclaimed Harvest Moon. Harvest moon was a Super NES, PlayStation, and a Wii farm game in the early years. Harvest Moon's gameplay is also farming and cultivating the land. FarmVille originally was introduced on Facebook as an application game.

Various social networking users tried the game and they were all enjoying the simple yet vast expansive gameplay of FarmVille. The gameplay of FarmVille involves around various aspects of planting, cultivating the land, growing and harvesting crops, harvesting trees and bushes, and raising livestock. The player begins the game with an empty farm, and he also has "farm coins". Players can also earn experience points for performing certain actions in the game that would make his farm flourish. They earn experience points through plowing or buying other items. The player earns farm coins through visiting neighbors or through harvesting crops. Crops may wither and die at a given period of time. However, players could purchase an "unwither" item to rejuvenate the crop. He can also use a biplane with "instant grow" to cause the crops to be immediately available for harvest. This feature is only available if you have "farm cash". Farm cash is earned by leveling up or completing offers, or purchasing real money.

The player may also receive livestock, trees and bushes like cherry trees, chickens. Livestock and trees cannot die in the game. Players may invite other friends in Facebook to join FarmVille. Cultivating your own farm in this game is very satisfying and fun. FarmVille also incorporates social networking such as Facebook, as mentioned earlier. There are also decorations in the game. Decorations can be purchased in the market for coins or cash sent in the form of free gifts. There are many decorations in FarmVille. Decorations include buildings, bales, fences, nutcrackers, gnomes, flags, and topiaries. Today, many people play FarmVille, especially active online users. It's one way of relieving stress. This is a game for everybody who wants to relax and spend the day happily. Playing FarmVille gives one a feeling or sense of accomplishment. Knowing that you created your own farm is a very satisfying experience.

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Global Media - Gee Whiz, Something is Terribly Amiss

In many regards it seems sometimes the media mettles too much into US politics. Often, they end up favoring a certain politician over another, and more often than not, it just happens to be the one which is spending the most money on advertising with that newspaper, their online version, or buying ads for the newspaper's website - convenient I'd say? Okay so, no revelation there, and as we grow older and watch the repeats of past history go around in circles every decade it tends to jade us and make us a tad bit cynical - but hey, that's politics and it's a messy business, as has been said.

Still, we do rely on our media to keep the politicians honest, and generally they love to stir up controversy which makes it a double-edged sword too. Freedom of the press therefore helps promote freedom and liberty, so that's a good thing, as long as those things I mentioned above don't get too far out of hand. Let's talk about this for a moment shall we?

The New York Times had an interesting article on April 4, 2012 titled; "In China Press, Best Coverage Cash Can Buy," by David Barboza which stated;

"China is notorious for censoring politically delicate news, but willing to print flattering news about businesses; if the price is right. Want a profile of your chief executive to appear in the Chinese version of Esquire? That will be about $20,000 a page, or get on a news program by state-run China Central Television? Pay $4,000 a minute, says a network consultant who arranges such appearances. A flattering piece in Workers' Daily, the Communist Party's propaganda paper $1 per Chinese character."

That same day there was another reminded of the cellular telephone scandal in the UK from one of their major newspapers. Couple that without our own challenges here at home and how our media seems to have become our fourth branch of government, often more powerful than the other three as it dictates policy and legislates from the pages. Where does all this go from here? Well, if we let it, that entire train could roll out of the high-speed station and leave us all behind, so, I'd say, let's not go there.

Still, how can we stop such things when the media has so much power, and the power brokers find ways to buy their way to political propaganda? That's a real catch-22 my friends, and with newspapers in the US hurting as bad as they are, they'd be more likely to take the money and confirm a little "I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine," at the expense of our nation's future, and our future liberty and freedom. Beware the industrial media complex. See my point? Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on 2012 Global Politics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Are No Notice Inspections Good For Schools?

During the early period of January, Ofsted, the independent inspectorate, announced it will be conducting a no notice period for all regular school inspections from September 2012.

Previously, inspections were performed on a six-year cycle. However, this changed in September 2005. Many, including teachers criticised the six-year cycle which involved a week-long inspection after a two-month notice period. Critics argued the system allowed schools to portray a different face to their normal day-to-day appearance and disrupted the normal operations of schools. From September 2005 the inspection cycle decreased to every three years with a two-day notice period, the inspection usually lasting two to three days.

However, the present system has obtained similar criticism. Aminur Mustafah a secondary school teacher in South London believes that inspections without prior notice is the only way to really gauge the delivery of education in a school setting, "schools can roughly judge the cycle, a bow tie comes out when the letter arrives and inspections hinge heavily on the leniency of the head inspector."

His views are obviously shared by Ofsted, who in September 2012 will be adopting inspections to be conducted without notice. Sir Michael Wilshaw, Ofsted's chief inspector explaining the plans said: 'Ofsted has been moving towards a position of unannounced school inspection over a period of years. I believe the time is now right for us to take that final step and make sure that for every school we visit inspectors are seeing schools as they really are in the corridors, classrooms and staff room.' An obstacle that was preventing unannounced inspections in the past were parent questionnaires, this has now been overcome with the introduction of online questionnaires.

But is this system really good? Teachers often complain of overload, not enough support and too much red tape. Nearly half of all newly qualified teachers leave the profession within five years, will the added pressure increase this statistic?

The National Association of Head Teachers said the move to no-notice school inspections was an empty gesture which would "alienate schools while doing nothing to support rising standards."

General secretary Russell Hobby said: "If a school could conceal evidence of widespread failure in just two days then the whole concept of inspection is flawed and Ofsted's protestations that it examines progress and behaviour over the long-term ring hollow."

The pressure of delivering everyday is extremely difficult in any profession. Teaching is a profession that requires professional measure with a personal pinch to captivate students. The pressure will also be on pupils with the threat of unwanted guests in the classroom or the 'white elephant' at any given time.

It also gives an impression that lower achieving schools are 'taking it lightly' and need an eye over the shoulder.

The system has its support and critics but Ofsted's experience in dealing with failing school by exerting regular visits will give it confidence. We must wait and see if the new introduction raises the standards of education to a required level in the country.

Amin Rashid, topical commenter with School Management Software

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A Modest Proposal For Derelicts and Homeless

We are living in a very cruel society that encourages people to be poor. There are people whose only mission and business in life is to be poor, and homeless.

In America it is okay to hit rock bottom, but no one told you until the government came along with social programs that you had to stay there. There are so many social help care programs that are geared to help you clean up your act. However, there are people who thrive on being the victim, anti-sociable, and being a parasite on the rest of us. There are people who are a major drain on the society as a whole. They are the fifth wheel. They are the third person on a date. They are soaking up the very oxygen that we are breathing, and the space that we are occupying. They do not want to work, nor do they want to contribute to society, or pay the price it will take to get any job.

They enjoy watching you go to work, and coming home daily to line their pockets with your hard earned money. Why do they stand at corners and freeway entrances. They know the system. In time, enough people will pass, and there will be one that will give them a hand-out. They enjoy all the benefits, and perks of citizenry. Most are on the government dole, housing, handouts, and are enjoying every minute of it.

They fully understand the system is set up not to allow you to fail. If they are asked to contribute to work or donate time for any cause, they right out refuse, attack you, or make up excuses. If you offer to buy them a meal instead of giving them money, they will always refuse and ask for the bucks. Bucks can go a whole lot further. Besides, do not hold them up too long, they will miss their hot meal at the local shelter. This is while you scramble to eat your barely warm meal.

They break our laws only to be jailed, get free housing, and eat three square meals for free.

We need to make good use of their human ability and bodily talents. We already have in place people getting paid for donating their blood. It is not much, but they know with the soup kitchens and all the other hand outs they will be able to survive on the mere minimum. They know that they can always go to the local fast food restaurants and wait to eat out of the trash can. They are not ashamed to do so.

There is a system in place that will pay them for donating a kidney or other non life threatening organs.

It is my modest proposal to take the lead and go the extra mile and have the derelicts, the homeless and the non-traditional people give a little more of themselves in order to make our society and world function much better. What I am proposing is non-life threatening, nor will it destroy one human being.

Let's create a human body factory that will zap human energy. Scientist have found that we can hook up individuals to very specialized machinery and technology that will zap enough energy from one individual that will operate, charge up a battery, a machine, or other objects. We have found that it is possible to get enough energy and bio fuels from individuals that will operate major machinery and maybe even household utilities. We may have to enhance the energy or power it up with something else to make it go a lot longer, but it is worth a try. What would that mean, if we could pull it off? If we could run our entire household utilities on our feces, or urine, that will be a major savings.

Of course, those who volunteer will be paid handsomely and live a normal lifestyle. But, if we start now, households will have built in systems. The derelicts, homeless and those out of work and those who refuse to work will be set up with a bank account that will pay for his or her living quarters and food and other household needs. You could even set up stations on the street, just like we use to have telephone booths.

Now, if they want to continue to take government checks and benefits, it will be a must that they sign up. This will answer the need for those who are disabled and those who refuse to work, and will tell you to your face that they refuse to work. Because we live in a free society, we cannot make people do things that they do not want to do.

They will have a shared residence and means for a happier life. They will have opportunities to upgrade and do much better in the system. There will be a house-keeping system and safeguards put in place. The grounds will be maintained and clean clothes will be provided. All the natural conveniences of life, including showers and social centers and social events and activities will be provided. If possible, we could set up communities of people donating their life services. We will offer them options to get off the program if they choose to do so. They will have household care services and looked after as if they were hotel guests.

All those in jail will not have any choices. They will be automatically signed up into the program.

The system will take full advantage of what they have to offer. For example, we would cut their hair and use it for recycle purposes. They will also have life and death benefits. They will be able to choose how they will be disposed. That is cremation or ground burial.

They will be a very select citizenry. We will monitor their entire lives. To make life a whole lot easier, we will only select those after the age of 55. They would have had a life before joining the program, and of course able to change careers if they choose to do so at a later date.

They will also have the option to make additional money by volunteering for a variety of test projects to better the community life.

Each participate will be watched carefully, and given all the benefits of a good life. They will not want for anything. Hunger and thirst will non-exist in this closed society.

All recreational needs will be met and encouraged. Workshops and other activities will be offered. Health wise, they will be carefully monitored and they will have the very best in care.

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Serving Your Neighborhood and Community Has a Big Impact for All

Carrying out neighborhood service programs have come to a point where young people are formally encouraged to take part in volunteer work for their neighborhood. Some high schools, for example, have one prerequisite for graduation which is for students to complete a specific several hours in locality service.

An expected outcome of this program is that students are, in truth, enjoying this honor to serve others. As these youngsters experiment with their interests in the various jobs available, they often get to know themselves better and feel a sense of success. And while doing so, they are able to serve others.

A high character feeling that continues through the college years and even on their careers. Many community organizations find loyal supporters among younger professionals from different locales who readily extend voluntary help when needed.

Many of these teams have provided priceless service to the community in different ways for a long time now. Instances of their neighborhood service include medical assignments, participation in environmental actions, volunteer work related to education, and many others.

Adolescent Community Service

Young adults in any neighborhood show a very key role in neighborhood improvement. If a nation has young people willing to participate in social deeds, whether in form of a team or independently, it is a good sign of community development. Youth can work in different organizations like the Boy Scouts of America, YMCA units and other student organization as well as youth forums.

School, College and college Communities

Nearly every educational institute has an objective to develop a great community with the help of young college students having a clear purpose. The intention of such communities is to help and guide other students of a college or university in different aspects of their lives as well as in their personal grooming.

Community services are a gigantic area that caters to many other aspects. Examples of the community services are:
Beautifying parks, streets, and public visiting placesSocial services (charitable organization works)Recovery, aid operations, disaster and risk managementServing in old age houses, nursing homes, hospitalsAssisting the law enforcement companies and other aid works in the areas where they may need help.Offering education to the children at their homes free of charge and much more.

Many of these groups have been actively engaged in service projects that have benefited communities in all places. With an aggressive goal of making a distinction in people's lives, these volunteers exert selflessness to be able to add to the quality of life despite their own worries and time restraints.

The public has an opportunity, to which most people contribute. The lack of energy for offering help has our communities suffering as a result. There are plenty of methods to help people, but many do not offer opportunities to stand up and do so.

Guiding children while they are young to do neighborhood service is an effective strategy when preparing them for later in life. Schools are at the forefront of this movement to instill in students a sense of pride when helping others.

Going forward, people will hopefully carry on giving back to the neighborhood. Although, other things in their personal lives can get in the way of this and not allow them to dedicate the time they once had to volunteering.

The answer is that everyone can constantly spare a small amount of time each month to set aside for neighborhood service. It should be like a typical month-to-month routine for them to take part in some type of program that helps other people.

Your gift and benefit received from volunteering is just as much as the person you're helping gains from you. Advisers or tutors tend to develop a close relationship with their college students and enjoy working together with them.

Receiving gratitude and a smile from these people who you help is one of the best gifts you can have in return. You certainly have made a distinction in someone's life just from that simple gesture.

Being the example by volunteering for people you know can be just as beneficial to culture. The more people you are serving, the more likely they will be to join the cause and participate in similar packages as you.

Almost all communities are looking for superior ways to get people to help out and volunteer for different motives. When people begin to make more of an exertion, the world will be a better place.

These teams have been around for some time and have done an active job of helping communities across the nation. The folks that volunteer usually have their own full-time careers, but manage to donate a few hours out of the week to help make the world a far better place - these are true heroes.

Obviously, if you're involved in lending a helping hand it's constantly appreciated and you should go forward and look into becoming a volunteer or look for community service hours whenever you possibly could make the time. Whenever you can afford to give, it will certainly go a long way and make a big difference.

Wouldn't it be a better world if everyone took just a little time to help out some one else in need. Even if it were only for a minute or at the minimum offering a smile. If you would like to understand more about community service hours and how to volunteer please visit our site.

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Christian Barnard: One Life

Christiaan Neethling Barnard, the fourth of Adam and Maria Barnard's five sons, was born on November 8, 1922 in Beaufort West, a small Karoo Town. He grew up in a happy and secure family which, while poor in material possessions, was rich in love and firm religious values. He lived up to his mother's expectations to always be first by obtaining a first class matric and went on to attend the University of Cape Town as a medical student.

The money his parents could provide was insufficient and on discovering this Chris Barnard approached the registrar for assistance. He was given a three year scholarship, on condition he passed all his subjects There was no time for relaxation or socializing as all this time was devoted to study. He passed his first year with honors and six further years of intensive study and hard work earned him a degree, Bachelor of Medicine Surgery, in 1946. His proud parents attended his graduation ceremony.

The next year was spent at Groote Schuur Hospital as a houseman, after which he joined a private practice in Ceres, Cape. In 1951 he returned to Cape Town and joined the staff of the city hospital as Senior Resident Medical Officer. After two years he transferred to Groote Schuur Hospital as a Medical Registrar and graduated Master of Medicine in 1953. In 1954 he joined the Department of Surgery as a Registrar.

Chris Barnard was awarded the Charles Adams Memorial Scholarship in 1956. A Dazian Foundation Bursary for study in America followed. leading to two years at the University of Minnesota where from 1956 to 1958 he specialized in Cardio-Thoracic Surgery under Professor O.H Wangesteen. He graduated Doctor of philosophy in surgery and was awarded a United States Public Health grant for further work in Cardiac Surgery.

At the end of 1958 he returned to Cape Town with South Africa's first, primitive heart-lung machine which allowed for open heart surgery to be done. He took up a post as full-time lecturer and specialist cardio-thoracic surgeon at Groote Schuur Hospital. During his time Dr. Barnard introduced intensive care nursing for patients after major surgery and developed the UCT heart values used worldwide since 1962 for replacing damaged heart values. He also developed new surgical techniques for correcting congenital and other heart defects.

In 1961 he was appointed Head of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, became an Associate Professor the following year and was elected a fellow of the America College of Surgeons in 1963. During these years research into transplant techniques continued increasingly in UCT Medical School Laboratory and Professor Barnard traveled extensively to teaching and research centers abroad to collect data. This data was collated and applied in further research. Meanwhile the Department of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery developed a reputation as a world center for heart surgery in both adults and children.

South Africa's first successful kidney transplant was performed by Professor Barnard in October 1967. A few months later December 3 Dr. Barnard made history by performing the world's first human heart transplant.
He performed 53 transplants before retiring in 1983.

He died on September the 2 - 2001

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Jail Resource Management: Review and Revision Program

The Federal Bureau of Prisons, more usually known as BOP, is a federal law enforcement agency operating within the United States Department of Justice that's essentially accountable for the administration of the country's federal prison system.

The grants and programs of the BOP are all geared towards the achievement of its general agency mission which is to "protect society by confining offenders in the controlled environments of prisons and community-based facilities that are safe, humane, cost-efficient, and suitably secure, and that provide work and other self-development opportunities to assist offenders in becoming law-abiding citizens."

As per this mission, the Federal Bureau of Prisons has recently constituted the development of the Jail Resource Management: Review and Revision Program whereby it will solicit applications for the revision of its existing Jail Resource Management Training Program.

The existing Jail Resource Management Programme is generally attended by sheriffs and a number of other jail directors. The program offers a 3-day training course that principally concentrates on the resource needs of a jail, including the development and presentation of a budget request, the determination of alternative funding options, and the management of a jail's budget.

The Jail Resource Management: Review and Revision Program plans to enhance the current Jail Resource Management Programme in an attempt to maximise the resources of the state's jail centers.

The grant awardees will be asked to work closely with the Federal Bureau of Prisons staff for a project period of nine months. To be considered worthy, an applicant must be able to manifest knowledge in the following areas:

a) The purpose, functions, and operational difficulties of local jails

b) The budget-related concerns in jails

c) The analysis of jail resource needs

d) The development and presentation of a convincing budget request to suitable ruling bodies

e) The resource restrictions that are experienced by various local jails and central authorities.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons is about to administer funding in the sum of $80,000 to support the execution of the project.

The institutions and associations that'll be deemed eligible to take part in the Jail Resource Management: Review and Revision Program are the following:

a) State or general unit of local government

b) Private agencies

c) Educational institutions

d) Individuals or groups that may manifest expertise in the areas in focus.

All of the institutions and setups mentioned above will be given the opportunity to submit an application under the program as long as they can demonstrate their ability to successfully carry out the activities included in the project.

Michael Saunders is an editor of He maintains Websites providing resources on small business grants and home improvement grants.

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Their Spirit Endures - The ANZACs and Their Tradition

Into the bowels of hell they went,
Intrepidly they trudged - their lives spent,
So we could enjoy freedom and peace,
And good life on which there's a lease.

Going into battle as young men,
Far, far away from their home den,
Freedom for them was out of reach,
Whilst they fought upon that beach.

And when they flew those missions above,
Far from thought - a peaceful dove,
They all fought such a fearsome foe,
Not much certainty could they stow.

Over the seas they travelled to do,
What civilisation must hold true,
What they did for us we can't repay,
Often their lives down they would lay.

And that leaves us with something to think,
Just how much for us they went to the brink,
Our task evermore is never to let,
Their sacrifice be barren - LEST WE FORGET.


What can we do, as a community of human beings on planet Earth, so many of us touched by war but ironically free, to maintain our grasp on the preciousness of civilisation?

That very question remains eternally at the forefront of the minds of veterans the world over. In Australia and New Zealand, the ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) legend continues to be remembered solemnly. Our legacy of remembrance should never be forgotten. And so, against our human default to forget we go.

So many of our ancestors fought on foreign lands and never came home, and many also came home damaged from their experience. War has had a profound impact on our society and culture. And whether we believe in war or not is irrelevant.

The preservation of civilisation is the mandate. It always was and always will be.

But war is always more than a global concern; it's inherently a personal story.
Lives are affected and the ripples of damage and loss flow outward and so many through the succeeding generations must deal with the shrapnel and fallout of a thing so far beyond everyone's control.

And for the diggers and veterans throughout history, those surviving and those gone, we ought to salute them. For what they fight for and fought for, for our freedom, for civilisation, their spirit endures.

The moment we forget our rich legacy of loss - a thing we cannot ever hold in proper context - is the moment we are destined, as a people, to repeat such a catastrophe.

It bodes us well, as each year passes, to tip our hats and raise a glass...


© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: and

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Cops Can't Afford to Confuse Hesitation With Patience

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History and Origins Of The Livery Companies Of The City

Livery companies began as the first guilds of craftsman, smiths and traders. In their earliest incarnation they were simply informal groups of similarly skilled workman who met to discuss and agree on certain points pertaining to their craft. These agreements covered everything from pricing and wages to product standards and trading area. Their mutual cooperation helped assure that each could earn his living without worrying about price cutting or sub-standard goods making their way into circulation, tarnishing the reputation of the group as a whole.

Liveries and other likeminded groups were prevalent all over Europe in pre-Norman days. In the City of London the meetings and get-togethers were natural extensions of these craftsmen living and working in the same close quarters. The reminders of these neighborhoods still exist in current street names like Ironmonger Lane and Bread Street. As these guilds became more formalized, they sought and were granted Royal Charter. The Weavers' Company was granted the first Charter by Henry II in 1155.

These guilds continued to flourish, benefiting members and citizens alike by tightly controlling member trading practices. Those whose work was found to be sub-standard or caught selling goods underweight risked fines or being expelled and forbidden to work in their craft. While this was an exacting practice, the guilds also provided care for members unable to work and provided small pensions and burial services. Guild halls were built for official business, ceremonies and dispute resolution.

The term "livery" was first used in reference to the items a household or official residence needed to supply to employees to live, such as clothing, food, drink and the like. The term eventually became more associated with clothing and distinctive dress. This is how it became linked with guilds; guild members were required to wear unique insignias and robes for ceremonies and functions and came to be known as "livery companies." These distinct robes and clothing insignias are still used today.

At present time there are 108 livery companies. This is a dynamic group and The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals was the most recently chartered livery in 2008. There were 48 livery companies in existence in 1515 and over time some guilds had joined together, whilst other had split. This lead to a number of disputes regarding prominence and importance, so much so that The Lord Mayor settled the matter by establishing an order of preference based on wealth. "The Great Twelve" as the first twelve places are known is also dynamic; a dispute between the Merchant Taylors (tailors) and Skinners (fur traders) resulted in their positions at numbers six and seven to be exchanged annually (some say this is the origin of the phrases "at sixes and sevens").

One of the most beautiful aspects of the City's livery companies is their guild halls. There are 38 in the City of London, dating from the 17th century to the most recent Haberdashers Hall, completed in 2002. Many livery companies offer tours to the public and many also feature exhibitions and events. The City of London Festival takes place in June/July and utilizes some of the halls for events and organizes tours.

Livery Halls make impressive venues for weddings, parties and any type of event. Life's Kitchen specializes in Livery Hall hire and bespoke catering in London.

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Media Ethics: Inside Out

I was a young reporter eager to break the story. The tip came into my work email and I was ready.

A man that lived in an apartment complex wrote to me that for months he had seen several sheriff's office deputies sitting in the back parking lot of a church in his neighborhood. The man wrote that as many as ten deputies, sometimes more, would be outside of their patrol cars talking and drinking coffee for two hours plus, daily. What were they doing and why? Certainly his tax dollars could be put to better use by having these deputies out on the street. Sounds like a great story, right? It was, but for all the wrong reasons.

After pitching the story to my News Director, I was out the door with a small camera and an unmarked SUV with tinted windows. I visited the neighborhood three times over the course of a couple weeks. I setup the camera on a tripod in the back of the SUV. Over the course of two weeks I shot hours of video of exactly what our tipster said we'd find. I logged each patrol car I saw, and also the amount of time each deputy spent there.

Once we had the tipster's side of the story it was time to call the sheriff's office to find out what these deputies were up to.

The sheriff's office told me deputies would gather behind the church to get their daily reports signed off on by the shift supervisor. It's a lengthy process at times where the supervisor checks reports for accuracy and for the needed legal documentation. The location where deputies were meeting was picked because it was in the center of the district and the most viable spot for deputies with take home cruisers.

When I took all the information I had gathered to my news director, the story was a wash. Any coverage we gave the story wouldn't have been fair because the deputies weren't doing what we were told by our tipster. I filed the video and reporter notes in my bottom desk door and moved on.

A couple months later, I couldn't help but notice a sweeps story promotion for a competing station in the market. If you aren't familiar with sweeps, it's a ratings period for broadcast media where Nielsen meters homes and determines a newscasts viewership. Sweeps (February/May/July/November) is important because the more viewers a station gets, the more advertising dollars it can ask for.

The tease of the headline was tantalizing.... "Deputies caught slacking on the job. Tonight at 11."

You can imagine my shock and surprise when I looked and saw video of the same deputies, behind the same church that I had staked out.

The story later that night was everything you'd expect from a hard-hitting investigation. Gritty undercover video. A dramatic reporter voice track that itself called the deputies actions into question. The camera stormed the deputies in the parking lot and the reporter shouted out questions in a way that made the deputies guilty of something before they even had the opportunity to answer.

Because the sheriff's office knew we had looked into the story months prior and didn't run with it, I couldn't help myself but call the next day. Needless to say no one was happy. In fact, my contact with the sheriff's office was so displeased she wanted the story covered and was willing to give us inside details into the reasons the deputies gathered in the church parking lot.

As I approached my News Director a second time concerning the story, I got the green light.

One week later, our story hit the air. It detailed the circumstances that put deputies in the church parking lot everyday. Communication equipment wasn't advanced enough for deputies at the time to file their reports wirelessly. That led to a timely process of shift commanders county-wide having to sit and wait for deputies to bring them reports to be signed off on. In most cases, deputies would be off-the-clock behind the church just to get their reports completed so they could go home for the day. The sheriff's office gave us exclusive access and details into a new plan by the county to install laptops and wireless equipment in all of its cruisers to avoid situations like we saw at the church. The cost was rather dramatic which itself generated another story months later.

The same issue, two totally different stories!

This real-life example of media ethics is a great illustration of how stories can be morphed by the media outlet doing the story-telling. In the first example of the competing station the details were turned inside out, selectively picked to make the story more sensationalistic and to make the station appear more "hard-hitting" in the work it was doing for its viewers. Our story, on the other hand, got to the source of the problem. Although our coverage wasn't sensationalistic, it gave viewers an insightful and beneficial look into what the real problem was.

So what can you do as a viewer to better determine ethics in the news you get? For starters, don't buy into the hype. It is easy to identify a sensationalized story so next time one grabs your attention ask the tough questions when you watch, read or listen. Did this media outlet get both sides of the story? Could there be a deeper and different problem than the one the story focused on? Finally, does the story present any solutions from people interviewed? If you can't find these elements in the news that got your attention, chances are you aren't getting the whole story.

Because we are flooded with various media today, we all are exposed and impacted by ethics in media. It is up to us, the audience, to determine which media will get our attention and which gets discarded. The more people act as "watchdogs" of the kind of media they pay attention to, the quicker irresponsible journalists can be held to task.

Jason Lanning is a broadcast journalist from Tampa, FL and operates his own website addressing media ethics and his experience with irresponsible media.

Published articles and Jason's website not sponsored by or affiliated with any media organizations.

View the original article here

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Religion: Why Are People Attracted To Religion?

There are numerous religions in the world today; some of these have been around for thousands of years and some could be described as new in comparison. And as well as the religions that are clearly definable as religions, there are also other figures and establishments that are serving a very similar purpose.

However, these might not be noticed or perceived as having any similarities to religion.


Before we take a look at what these reasons could be, let's look at the word religion and its meaning. In the dictionary the world religion comes from the Latin word Ligare and this means to bind.

So then, anything that connects one to something could be classed as a religion based on this meaning.

And as the saying goes 'The map is not the territory'. Something can be called a religion, but that is just a word and it does not explain much of what is actually going on. It does not explain the psychology that is involved.

The word has gained a somewhat negative meaning over time and this is because of the behaviour of some of the people that have associated themselves with a particular religion.

Religion can be blamed; but it does not take away our own individual responsibility.

The Purpose

Is not important whether one believes in religion or not. The purpose of this is to look deeply at what might be attracting people to associative with religions and at the same time what needs this could be fulfilling within the person.

This is also not to say that what attracts people to religion is always dysfunctional.

A Metaphor

It is just like when one is hungry; here one consumes food to appease the sensation of hunger. The desire to eat is not negative or dysfunctional; it is simply a part of life.

However, it would be sensible to look at why one is hungry and also what would attract one to certain foods. Sometimes these will be healthy foods and sometimes these will be unhealthy. One might be attracted to unhealthy foods, but instead of blaming the foods one can look at what is attracting them to the foods. This could be classed as being a conscious eater.

My Opinion

These views are my opinion and I do not claim to have all the answers or the only answers. My interest is not in the legitimacy of any religion or religion per se. What interests me is looking at the psychology of religion.

I believe that through the observation of how the ego mind functions, one will be able to gain a better understanding of religion.

The Ego Mind

This is the part of us that is conditioned by our experiences. Some of these can be traumatic and some of these can have very little effect on our lives. And what these experiences do is form how we perceive reality.

And the way it perceives life is though polarities. Here there are only ever two ways and the whole of life will be perceived through one of these ways. This is the good and the bad; the right and the worn and so on. Existence is then broken up into parts. Life becomes an expression of hierarchy and not wholarchy.

The ego fears change and this is because the only way it can function and exist is through things being the same. It feels safe with what is familiar. And if something were to change; it would mean death to the ego mind.

Its identity and only point of reference is the past and the present moment is always being interpreted based on past experiences.


One of the things that trauma does is create conflict and separation. One feels separate from what they desire and need. What the ego does is project these needs externally.

These needs can consist of the need to feel: connected, empowered, significant and safe; as well as the need for meaning and purpose.

The Self

So the ego mind has ultimately been created from pain and trauma. It is not a true expression of who one is. The true self is extremely different to the ego mind. Here one is also the observer of the mind and not the mind itself

Hold On!

But let's forget about the true self for the moment and let's continue with the ego mind. Here one has been cut off from who they truly are and is now living from the ego minds perceptions and projections.

A natural consequence is to project all of these needs and wants to an external source. And to the degree that one has not realised something within; will define how much someone looks without.

How Does This Usually Look?

It is not possible to look at every aspect here; so let's look at the more common occurrences.

Higher Or Lower

With the mind working in polarities and higher being seen as better than lower, it makes complete sense for gods to often exist in the sky. This is because trauma can cause one to identify with their ego and feel inferior and below others. And if this happens and one feels inferior or below another, there will be the tendency to perceive others as being higher or superior.


As the ego fears change and therefore death it then becomes important for religions to promise an afterlife for example. This way the ego mind feels safe and can be sure that there is a tomorrow.


The ego mind also needs certainty and this is part of feeling safe. As if something is different it of course won't feel safe. This also shows the importance of being right; as if the mind is wrong it could lead to death. And this surely shows why there is often the insistence on one religion being right and another religion being wrong. The individual's ego is looking for external certainty to calm the uncertainty that is active within.


And if one feels separate from life and cut off internally because of trauma or perception, they will be drawn to anything external that promises connection and a sense of belonging.

Control And Empowerment

Religion is often seen as controlling. And through the different traumas, ones ego mind is likely to feel a lack of control and empowerment. One then needs to do or be more than others to compensate for this inner state. This often becomes a need to control another or others.

And a universal figure or archetype for empowerment is often the male or masculine figure. This of course, shows up in a lot of the different religions. The female or feminine energy typically represents nurturing; so that wouldn't evoke the same experience that the male figure would do in people.

Purpose And Meaning

It is said that ones purpose and meaning is something one finds within. And is an expression of the heart and not the mind. However one of the things that conditioning and trauma does is cut one off from their heart. Ones attention is then more likely to be focused on the outside world and not on what is going on within.

So this would explain why religion is so popular in terms of purpose and meaning, it gives one what they have perhaps lost touch within or maybe haven't ever known within.


It is my view that whatever the ego mind creates has very little to do with what is true. And this is because its primary function is to ensure ones survival. What it sees and what it needs from the world will usually be coming from what has not been realised within.

Because everything that is seen externally and this includes what is written in word and what is displayed in symbols, has come from a human beings mind. And this means that it has been filtered through their level of awareness and perception. This is what makes it important to observe the mind and to see how it functions.

That is not to say that religion cannot be a catalyst or a mirror for what is within each of us. It is my current understanding that what is true can only ever come from within. And perhaps there are some religions that do match what is true for people.

Not Just Religion

But let's not leave this all to religion. As I have mentioned above, there are many things in the world that have the potential to fulfill the same purpose. These include: celebrities, the media, sports teams, fashion, governments and relationships.

They all exist because they are fulfilling a need; nothing more nothing less. Each of these external creations simply reflects what is going on within people's minds and hearts.

My name is Oliver J R Cooper and I been have been interested in self enquiry for over eight years. For just over a year, I have been expressing my understandings with these transformational writings. One of my intentions is to be a catalyst to others, as other people have been and continue to be to me.

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The Impact of 20th Century Wars on Immigration and Naturalization

One of the more interesting aspects of war, in retrospect, is the change in politics and populations which follow them. And in the aftermath of war, we often see major shifts in populations that arise from a number of factors including injuries and casualties, displaced residents or soldiers, re-drawn political boundaries or changes of statehood, as well as massive numbers of refugees as people often flee war torn areas.

Both world wars in the 20th century increased the number of refugees, creating a class of stateless people - many of whom were placed in internment camps. They were often considered undesirable and remained in an "illegal" situation. They could not return to the country that had expelled them and no other country would take them in for naturalization.

Eventually, there was a passport created for stateless people, the Nansen passport. By 1942, 52 countries recognized this document as valid, allowing holder of them to live and remain in countries where they might still be denied citizenship.

Western democracies were not ready to naturalize mass influxes of minorities who had been denaturalized. After World War I, the largest number of these stateless people was Armenians and Jews, but some were Russians escaping the communist revolution and Spaniards fleeing from the Spanish Civil War.

The end of World War II saw another increase in international migrations creating another group of refugees, many of them economic refugees. For humanitarian purpose, many of these refugees were allowed naturalization based on marriage or ancestors who had been citizens. This helped reduce the size of this category.

However, in many countries, such stateless citizens remain in an illegal status, though some countries have accommodated them through massive regularizations.

One fascinating reaction to this problem was the passing of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 by the United States Congress which was intended to exclude certain immigrants from immigrating to America. The McCarran-Walter Act, as it was called, created immigration restrictions that had never before been seen. These restrictions were not simply based on country of origin, but were instead focused on how "acceptable" each person was to the US in very difficult to measure ways. Many people have suggested that the intent of this law was to give officials the latitude to recognize political undesirables, specifically Communists, and prevent them from assimilating into the United States. Interestingly enough, the law was originally vetoed by then President Truman on the basis of discrimination; however there was enough support in Congress for the law to pass.

There have been many smaller conflicts since the conclusion of World War II, but none that have caused the massive upheaval that was seen in the 1940s. However many people of this generation will retain strong memories of watching the plight of Iraqi refugees after the US invasion of Iraq. Similar stories abound following political strife such as those in Vietnam, Korea, Bosnia, Somalia & Afghanistan.

But the real issue of today is the definition and enforcement of illegal immigration as the US tries to get a handle on the millions of people illegally living in the country. And without the urgency of major international strife as a motivator, it will be interesting to see whether or not today's politicians can agree on a course of action that will ultimately solve the problem.

To learn more about the naturalization process you should make sure to find an immigration attorney in your area who specializes in this area of the law.

View the original article here

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Dream Deferred: The Role of Creativity in the Making of a Los Angeles Gang-Member

Creativity and imagination can lift us to new and unexpected heights, and when fully facilitated by nurturing and knowledge, can make possible the dreams that spark personal growth and social innovation. Unfortunately, for today's poorest and least educated Americans, creativity and the dreams it produces are abstract concepts with no relevance in their lives.

This case study and essay is based on my conversations with one Los Angeles gang-member for whom creativity, and dreams of a brighter future, have long been deferred and usurped by the struggle to survive.


I drove south from my West Adams neighborhood, anticipating the conversation that lay ahead, and unsure of exactly what to expect. Exiting the 110 Freeway I swung onto Rosecrans Boulevard and headed east, into a quietly benign Compton, where empty buildings and abandoned businesses lined the once thriving Boulevard.

Compton, like so many of America's urban neighborhoods, had seen the flight of jobs and dollars years before our latest economic downturn. Its 2011 cost-of-living index was considerably higher then the US average and despite a murder rate that had dropped steadily since 2005, violent crime remained twice the national average. It seemed a reasonable assumption that Compton would see little economic growth for some time.

I turned toward the residential section where modest homes sported neatly trimmed lawns with gated windows and doors. Old, scarcely driven gas-guzzlers sat unattended in the driveways of senior citizens, who arrived more than forty years ago with the second great Black migration from the south (1941 - 1970). Compton was peaceful, though the hard stares of several young men tracked me with suspicion as I slowed to read the house addresses.

Exiting my car at my destination, I noticed a large laminated poster mounted on the outside wall of a nearby house. Smiling down at me was a handsome eighteen-year-old in a suit, the suit he wore to church on Sundays, with crisp white shirt and a perfectly knotted tie.

He was so proud, so promising. He was dead. Murdered two years prior by gang members as he ate dinner with his date.

"Where you from?" he was asked as they stared him down. He was shot before he could answer - one week before his High School graduation. The football scholarship and college education he treasured died with him.

Thirty-four year-old Jay (not his real name) stepped outside and we shook hands warmly. Stylish glasses framed his dark round face and his ponytail, usually pulled perfectly into place, was uncharacteristically frayed around the edges. We first met at a weekly life skills and job training class for ex-felons and gang members. Always neatly dressed and punctual, Jay seldom spoke, but when he did, his voice was soft and his words self-examining. His eyes took in everything while giving away nothing, a valuable skill in a world where silence was power and emotions were a sign of weakness.

We walked into his maternal grandparents' small home where Jay lived with his pregnant wife, their one-year-old son and his twelve-year-old stepdaughter. His son ran up laughing and was swept into his father's arms, bringing to mind my own son's first year. Jay liked to laugh but laughter did not come easily, nor last for more than an instant before it was gone.

"My grandmother's got Alzheimers. My grandfather is in the bedroom watching after her," he informed me, helplessly, as we passed their bedroom and walked out the back door.

At eleven-years-old Jay had moved into their home after running away, and had been well loved and provided for. But his grandparents were hampered by their age and a generation gap.

"My grandparents always been working people. They was tired, they was old. I didn't really look at that when I was supposed to," he confessed. "I had moral guidance right here but I never grabbed it," he told me, describing his Grandparents unconditional love and the heartache he caused them. Still, after moving in, he returned to the projects daily, seeking his mother's love and attention. He got neither and each night he returned, disappointed, to his grandparent's house. And each morning, he headed for the projects, to try all over again.

Before living with his grandparents, Jay called Watts' infamous Jordan Downs housing project home; a 700-unit center of gang activity and drugs during the mid-eighties/nineties crack epidemic in South Central. Once home to Olympic track star, Florence Griffith-Joyner and a hopeful working class, the projects were surrounded by liquor stores and churches, both unable to quell the brutality that took place in their midst.

"My pops was straight but my mom was cracked out," was his explanation of the family structure and life in the projects. Growing up, Jay witnessed the intimate details of his mother's crack addiction and his families' gang activities as members of the Grape Street Crips. After school, if he went to school at all, he returned to a war zone.

So, why did he not avoid the hostile world of the projects and his family? This question is often asked, and understandably so. To be clear, others have overcome poverty, drugs and violence, but they've often had the benefit of individuals and institutions who've provided some level of stability; instilling and supporting the creative and aspirational thinking that enabled them to dream of a brighter future.

As pointed out in Betty A. Velthouse's paper, Creativity and Empowerment: A Complementary Relationship, which appeared in the publication Review of Business (1990), a creative leap is required in order for one to envision or create alternatives to their current reality or circumstances. Under his mother's roof, the neglect Jay experienced stifled any notions that he could leave the projects behind or find new solutions to his problems. His world was insular and hostile, regulated and finite, distrusting of alternative lifestyles. Consequently, Jay lacked the belief that he could change his surroundings through his behavior; and was shackled with a self-image that would remain unchanged for over twenty years.

"I ain't never done nothing but wrong," was a typical refrain throughout our talks. Fueled by his mother's crack addition, his father's absence and his brothers' violent gang activities, Jay took to the streets with a vengeance and was fully embedded in the Grape Street Crips, as an eleven-year-old.

"I never had a childhood. I grew up as a man and I was doing whatever grown men was doing, having the same fun grown men was having. All I ever done is wrong," Jay he said, lowering his eyes as we sat in his grandfather's vegetable garden.

In their July 10, 2010 policy brief written by Erica Adams, the Justice Policy Institute identified neglect, witnessing of drug abuse, violence, and the loss of a caregiver as causes of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome in children; serving as indicators and contributors to entre into the criminal justice system. The Institute went on to state that 50 to 79 percent of males who experienced maltreatment before twelve years of age will become involved in serious juvenile delinquency. As predicted, Jay was right on schedule for disaster.

We talked about his mother and their family life; I felt the pull and tug of Jay's emotions. The boy who desperately desired his mother's care and tenderness lay just beneath the hardened surface.

Our imaginations and the understanding of our world owes much to our physical and emotional well-being, and the quality time parents, guardians and loved ones share with us in play. Stanley Greenspan, M.D., makes a strong case for this premise in his book, Building Healthy Minds (2000), where he contends that the attachment that takes place as we touch, cuddle and laugh, provides the solid foundation upon which children can build an expanded vision of their environment. It was no surprise that Jay made few references to dreams and aspirations, beyond those which he had seen with his own eyes. He had no basis or context for the creation of new perspectives on his existing condition.

Dreaming of changing his reality would have required that Jay feel empowered to influence his environment. It also would have required that he perceive his environment as flexible enough to allow his vision to actually become that new reality. Jay was never empowered by his own positive behavior, and instead, felt empowered only when the source of his power was external, via gang affiliations, money from drugs and the peer acceptance those activities provided. To walk away from gang life was beyond his comprehension, an intolerable act of disloyalty to his Grape Street family.

Raised around such chaos and dysfunction, Jay never considered the consequences of his actions, even when those decisions determined life or death. He simply lacked the "context" and examples such consideration required. He had never seen anyone, that he respected, pause to review his or her options. In Jay's world, decisions were impulsive, responses were immediate and the subsequent actions often irrevocable.

There was little room for a conscience, which typically develops via the influence of parents and other key people in a child's environment. In their absence, ample room was left for the negative people and actions that defined Jay's life.

The question that most of us hear as children, "what do you want to be when you grow up" went unasked; Jay's dream was to follow in the footsteps of his older brothers and uncles, who made their money on the streets.

"The dream came true, now I don't even want it," he said, looking back and sharing one of the few dreams of success, as he saw it, he had as a kid. He recalled the day he asked his brothers for candy money and was told that it was time he got his own, just like everybody else. They provided the drugs to get him started and coached him on the fine-points of the drug trade.

In no time, Jay was smoking "sherm" (PCP) with his Grape Street crew and controlled his own drug turf, with a pistol stashed under a bush and a steady stream of regulars that included his crack smoking mother. After years of chronic truancy, Jay officially dropped out, ending his formal education.

Quick to anger and fearless, Jay had no interest in advice from the absentee father who had left when he was an infant. Jay recounted his father's attempt to intercede. "He was talking bad, telling me what I was supposed to be doing, out in front of all these grown men who were slinging drugs. I went over to the bush and pulled out my pistol and he shut up," Jay's shame was clear as he told the story, but so was his defiance as he calmly continued, "I would have killed him if he said something wrong. It was right after that my luck went bad."

It was a morning like most others and Jay left his grandparents, with no intention of going to class. A few minutes later, he arrived at his fourteen-year-old friend's house to play video games. They drove to the projects around 10:00 a.m. and began the daily ritual of drug dealing and chillin. As the morning warmed up Jay sipped from a bottle of cheap wine, Mad Dog 20-20, and smoked PCP. No one noticed the carload of PJ Crips from Imperial Court as they rolled up, until they opened fire, sending everyone scattering and leaving two Grape Street Crips wounded.

Guns were tossed aside. Drugs we stashed for safekeeping. Threats were made and promises of revenge declared. It was an all too familiar scenario that Jay had witnessed countless times before. The smoke cleared and the proverbial dust settled while police cars arrived with blaring sirens and flashing lights. As they conducted their post drive-by investigation, Jay and his friend slipped into their car to find the shooters. I asked Jay how his buddy was able to drive when he was clearly too young to have a license. Jay chuckled at my naivite. There was no illegal act that scared him, at least, not enough to stop him from committing it.

His friend drove with a Tec-9 stretched across his lap. Jay rode shotgun, slumped low in his seat with a 357 Magnum. Two boys, one twelve and the other fourteen, found their targets. Jay's purple bandana left only his eyes revealed.

"Soon as my homie stopped I raised up and they was right there, five or six of 'em, on 114th street. We blasted 'em. I was loaded (high). They was eighteen, nineteen-years-old," he told me in a matter-of-fact tone that was, at least for the moment, emotionally removed from the incident.

That day, Jay killed one nineteen-year-old, a new father. A second, the eighteen-year-old, would die later when the family removed him from life support following months in a coma. There was no music or slow-motion cinematography. No gasps from the popcorn eating audience. The blood was real as were the bodies stretched out on the street.

With their targets bleeding on the sidewalk, they sped off and, almost immediately, crashed their car within sight of the crime scene. By one o'clock, that afternoon twelve-year-old Jay was in jail and charged with murder. Nevertheless, he showed no remorse and had just earned a reputation as a deadly little homie.

Within two months, Jay was a convicted murderer and ushered in his thirteenth birthday from inside a maximum-security juvenile facility. The formal instruction he had abandoned in elementary school was quickly replaced by a prison education within a system that currently leads the world in incarceration, while its international standings in education steadily decline.

Jay spent seventeen years in the most heavily secured prisons in the United States; Pelican Bay, High Desert, San Quentin. He rattled them off as easily as a student rattles off the classes he took at his Alma mater. He did nine years straight before he was paroled for the murders he committed. He was on the streets for less than a year before he was arrested for bank robbery and served eight more years.

"When you get out the penitentiary you ain't thinking about going back to your family. You're thinking about women, getting high and getting back to your homies. And they going to pull you right back in," he said.

In one afternoon, Jay had gone from being a boy in need of love and a brighter future, to being a seldom-discussed reflection of personal and societal failure. Behind bars, he kept his mouth shut and gravitated toward the older inmates, learning lessons from men who knew the system and feared nothing. The prisons were well stocked with Crips, who taught him how to thrive behind bars. Life in prison, where a $12 tin of tobacco goes for $2,200, wasn't much different than in Jordan Downs; there was money to be made and people to be dealt with.

"There's lots of money in prison. And everything else," he informed me. He explained how prisoners not only ran their crews from behind the walls, but received steady streams of cash and drugs from the various enterprises that continued in their absence. "And if somebody needed to be done," he went on, "I was going to do 'em. I didn't need nobody holding my hand."

"Doing" targeted inmates made Jay a valuable commodity. His prison mentors taught him how to kill a man efficiently and supported their lessons with illustrated books, authored by other inmates. The assassination techniques Jay shared with me seemed surprisingly simple. Sitting next to him, he was quiet and controlled. I imagined him inside, finding a camera-less area and slipping the shiv beneath his targets armpit while passing along a congested passageway. Then, vanishing as he'd been taught to do, before the man hit the floor with a fatal stab wound.

Survival in prison required a strategy and Jay knew what he had to do to make it out alive. Dark talents earned him cash and the power to demand the solitude he desired. He had proved himself a valuable and trustworthy soldier, with only the prison OGs (Original Gangsters) who controlled everything inside and out, to answer to. The multiple assassinations he committed went unpunished and five years ago, after 17 years of incarceration, he was paroled at thirty years of age.

An incoming text flashed across Jay's cell phone. There had been numerous others during our conversation. He read them slowly and with some effort, a reminder that he had dropped out of school by the sixth grade. Cell phones behind prison walls were prohibited, especially in the level four prisons where Jay's friends were housed. He didn't text back, though he glanced at the numbers as the phone vibrated, time and again.

"Lot a dudes are like, 'Man I wish you were in here with us,' " and we laughed at the truth of the old saying, "misery loves company" - especially in prison.

I questioned weather anyone declaring such a wish was a true friend.

Jay shot back, "You get out of prison with nothing and nobody looking out for you. It's just you. We need some programs when you get out."

Not exactly an answer to my question about friendship, but Jay was making clear, with his "it's just you" pronouncement, that he felt very much alone; a feeling conveyed by his words and body language, throughout our conversation. I felt that my very presence came from his desire to be heard by someone who would try to understand, without judging. The truth is, as hard as I might have tried not to judge him, somewhere down deep, I did.

Jay was right about a need for programs however. Budget cuts over the years had resulted in overcrowding, fewer prison improvements and drastic reductions in life skills, job training and job retention programs for parolees. The texts on his cell phone were ominous reminders that prison's influences were always calling.

"They send a kite (letter) from the pen and they say do something, you gonna get it done. Or they gonna do you. And that's what they look for me to do now," Jay said. He fell suddenly silent. His words had conjured up visions of people, places and things that he would rather forget. "I'm so messed up from doing so much bad stuff. I have nightmares about all the people I killed. I see their faces. Wake up in a cold sweat," he muttered in a voice tinged with pain and perhaps fear, "Don't never look a man you gonna kill in the eyes. It'll haunt you the rest of your life."

This man, who had taken lives without remorse, both inside the prison and out, wiped away the wet streak left on his cheek by a tear. I wanted to know if he had ever let another man see him cry, but I didn't ask.

A strange thing happened as I interviewed Jay. The crimes he committed were horrendous and intolerable. I wanted men like him locked up, forever, so they could not do in the future, what they had done in the past. Yet, as I sat beside him, I wanted to see his pain go away. When you don't see the Jays of the world, it's easy to ignore their circumstances and our own neglect.

"I be asking God for help but I know I done so much wrong. I wish I had God in me when I was young. I never been to church until a few years ago," he told me.

It was a favorite cousin who took Jay to church when he finally got out of prison. Jay found the sense of community and acceptance overwhelming. He began attending regularly but continued his gang activities, spending Sundays praying and the rest of the week in his old haunts.

Two years after getting out, Jay met his first real girlfriend and future wife. She was unlike the women he had known during his brief period of freedom, between arrests. She was neither a gang member nor one of the women they used for sex. She came from working parents with no connection to the world that Jay grew up in.

She was well spoken and welcoming as she offered me something to drink. I wondered what she saw in Jay, and I think he wondered about that too. Perhaps it was the quiet strength that he projected. The kind of focused power and strategic thinking that could have landed him in a boardroom instead of prison, if only his circumstances had been different.

He did not fully understanding his new girlfriend's world but Jay had finally stumbled upon a healthy family. They dated and he did his best to act like a typical boyfriend, shielding her from his gang associates and anything related to that community.

The new relationship and the impending birth of his son ignited a desire for normalcy. For the first time Jay exhibited the kind of creative thinking and counterfactual imagination that could help him transcend his past and move toward new goals, not based of the facts as they existed, but based on how he imagined they could be. It is this concept of counterfactual imagination (what could be) and counterfactual alternatives (finding new solutions), as presented in Ruth M.J. Byrne's Precis of The rational Imagination: How People Create Alternatives to Reality (2007), that perhaps speaks most strongly to Jay's approach to his past, present and future.

Jay had always operated according to the rules of his world, and that world was built upon a set of facts he knew to be true. Drug dealing was a fact. Murder was a fact. Gang membership was a fact. Prison was a fact. He was incapable of conceiving an alternative to his way of life, or in other words, envisioning a life other than that which he had experienced and had been part of his reality.

Until this point in Jay's life, bucking the system that established and perpetuated what was factually true was beyond his comprehension, for two reasons. First, he had not connected other facts from non-gang lifestyles, with his own ability to change. Secondly, he did not believe he had the power to change the status quo, or convince others to do so. As stated by Robert J. Sternberg in his 2006 article, Creating a Vision for Creativity: The First 25 Years, "Society generally perceives opposition to the status quo as annoying, and as reason enough to ignore innovative ideas." Jay's fellow gang members were not exempt from this concept.

Still, through his girlfriend, Jay had been exposed to a new set of facts, where families communicated with one another. Mothers and fathers raised their children, together. Everyone had a legitimate job. To be clear, Jay always knew these facts existed but the distance between that reality and his had been too great. However, he had, at long last, begun to believe that there existed a different way to live.

In a bold and dangerous move, motivated by this new relationship, Jay informed his "old homie", a respected OG, that he wanted out of his gang commitments. Because of the work he had put in over the years, the request was granted and Jay was allowed to stop his criminal activities. But old habits remained difficult to shake.

"All I know is how to talk to men," he said, complaining about his young wife's need to talk and share. "I don't know nothing about relationships. A lot of stuff is new to me. I'm just used to being around men, that's where I feel cool. But that's crazy. You should feel comfortable being around your wife," he said, more to himself then to me.

Just holding her hand caused him to withdraw and grow quiet. His wife accused him of cheating because he didn't seem interested in her anymore. Jay wasn't cheating, on the contrary, he just could not muster the tender words of love that would have put her mind at ease. The many nuances of a husband-wife relationship baffled Jay; nonetheless, this was the only authentically romantic relationship he had ever experienced.

Despite that, seventeen years behind bars had resulted in difficulty coping with, and not overreacting to, the situations that seemed to pop up daily. Such was the case when Jay's in-laws babysat and his son, a toddler, fell and hurt himself slightly. Jay loudly accused them of neglect and swore never to leave the child in their care again. He had no reference that would have helped him understand that falling is a part of learning to walk. Everything that seemed so simple and obvious remained foreign to him.

Jay shifted topics to his son and the daughter that was in his wife's belly. I was happy to see him smile as he talked about his children. He appeared to relish the unconditional love he got from his son and anticipated from his, soon to arrive, daughter.

Regardless of the challenges, his family gave him a purpose and inspired the few light moments I had witnessed. Still, it was hard to be a square and leave the old ways behind, particularly because Jay wanted desperately to be the family breadwinner - a goal that remained beyond his reach. He had lost the only job he'd gotten in the last five years of freedom.

Complicating matters, there were constant texts, phone calls and requests that hung like bait, waiting to yank him back into his former world where he would be robbed of family and freedom.

"I've been to 120 funerals since I been out," he stated, "and all my partners got something going on. Robbery, extortion, dope and prostitution. If I get caught up again I ain't never coming home. I'll be gone forever," Jay told me, in a voice that simultaneously conveyed his determination to remain free, yet doubted about his ability stay out of trouble. One more strike would mean mandatory life in prison.

To my surprise, Jay held no bitterness toward the preachers, teachers, and community that ignored the little boy who so desperately needed their help. "That's just the way it was," he said with a dismissive shrug.

But the bitterness was there; aimed at those who did know that little boy, yet failed to love and protect him. Again and again, he wondered aloud, why they had taught him all the wrong things. He expressed frustration because the nurturing he missed as a child, imprisoned his emotions today, even as a free man. He seemed keenly aware that his childhood was lost forever, like the many friends whose funerals he'd attended.

Jay's mother is now off crack but her heavy drinking upsets him. They seldom speak. His brothers eventually served five and six years each and became law-abiding family men.

"They was scared straight. Wish I had been," he declared, noting the irony of spending more than twice as much time in prison as the brothers who taught him how to gang bang and sell dope.

With pride, Jay told me that he reconnected with his father and they watch the football games together. And he attends church regularly; staying "prayed up".

It was time for me to go. Jay's wife was preparing to leave for one of her two jobs. While she works, Jay will care for his son and twelve-year-old stepdaughter who is the same age that Jay was when he first committed murder. He will watch over them and pray that the phone rings with a job. He wants to be someone they can look up to. He's terrified that he will fail.

I stood to leave and asked what talents he had. "Everyone has some talent," I said.

"I never tried nothing," came his reply, reinforcing my contention that he still lacked the ability to step outside his box, the place where his creativity and imagination could lead to new aspirations and outcomes.

"What about dreams for the future," I nudged.

"I just want a job. I want my kids to have it better than I did," he said as he wiped his sweat-dampened forehead, "But it's hard man. It's hard."

His eyes saddened as he admitted this to me, and himself. I left Jay standing on his grandparent's lawn. Soon after, he stopped attending class and my calls have gone unanswered.

A final thought...

Creativity and imagination are merely two pieces of a very complex puzzle that influence our success, but they are without question, vital to seeing ourselves not just as we are, but also as we can be.

Jay's apparent failure to make this leap does not negate creativity's role as a facilitator of aspirational and transcendent thinking; psychologists over the years have well documented that connection. Instead, it illustrates the fundamental need for stable family and community systems that encourage out-of-the-box thinking about themselves, their environments and their opportunities. When coupled with appropriate resources, creative thinking and a properly prioritized society can provide hope, empowerment and actionable solutions for at-risk populations.


Betty A. Velthouse. "Creativity and empowerment: a complementary relationship." Review of Business 12.2, (Fall 1990): 13.

Erica J. Adams, M.D., "Healing Invisible Wounds: Why Investing in Trauma-Informed Care for Children Makes Sense," Justice Policy Institute, 1 (2010).

Stanley Greenspan, M.D. with Nancy Breslau Lewis, Building Healthy Minds (New York: Da Capo Press, 2000), 199-251

Ruth M. J. Byrne, "Pr?cis of The Rational Imagination: How People Create Alternatives to Reality," Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 30, (2007): 440-441, 451-452.

Robert J. Sternberg, "Creating a Vision for Creativity: The First 25 Years," Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, Vol. S, No. 1, (2006): 2-7.

Kim M. Watson features articles on the creative process, maximizing your creative output and creativity's role in improving our lives and the world around us.

Write Kim at to respond to articles or inquire about guest lectures on: Creativity, The Art of the Pitch or Introducing Creativity into the Workplace.

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