Monday, May 14, 2012

A Modest Proposal For Derelicts and Homeless

We are living in a very cruel society that encourages people to be poor. There are people whose only mission and business in life is to be poor, and homeless.

In America it is okay to hit rock bottom, but no one told you until the government came along with social programs that you had to stay there. There are so many social help care programs that are geared to help you clean up your act. However, there are people who thrive on being the victim, anti-sociable, and being a parasite on the rest of us. There are people who are a major drain on the society as a whole. They are the fifth wheel. They are the third person on a date. They are soaking up the very oxygen that we are breathing, and the space that we are occupying. They do not want to work, nor do they want to contribute to society, or pay the price it will take to get any job.

They enjoy watching you go to work, and coming home daily to line their pockets with your hard earned money. Why do they stand at corners and freeway entrances. They know the system. In time, enough people will pass, and there will be one that will give them a hand-out. They enjoy all the benefits, and perks of citizenry. Most are on the government dole, housing, handouts, and are enjoying every minute of it.

They fully understand the system is set up not to allow you to fail. If they are asked to contribute to work or donate time for any cause, they right out refuse, attack you, or make up excuses. If you offer to buy them a meal instead of giving them money, they will always refuse and ask for the bucks. Bucks can go a whole lot further. Besides, do not hold them up too long, they will miss their hot meal at the local shelter. This is while you scramble to eat your barely warm meal.

They break our laws only to be jailed, get free housing, and eat three square meals for free.

We need to make good use of their human ability and bodily talents. We already have in place people getting paid for donating their blood. It is not much, but they know with the soup kitchens and all the other hand outs they will be able to survive on the mere minimum. They know that they can always go to the local fast food restaurants and wait to eat out of the trash can. They are not ashamed to do so.

There is a system in place that will pay them for donating a kidney or other non life threatening organs.

It is my modest proposal to take the lead and go the extra mile and have the derelicts, the homeless and the non-traditional people give a little more of themselves in order to make our society and world function much better. What I am proposing is non-life threatening, nor will it destroy one human being.

Let's create a human body factory that will zap human energy. Scientist have found that we can hook up individuals to very specialized machinery and technology that will zap enough energy from one individual that will operate, charge up a battery, a machine, or other objects. We have found that it is possible to get enough energy and bio fuels from individuals that will operate major machinery and maybe even household utilities. We may have to enhance the energy or power it up with something else to make it go a lot longer, but it is worth a try. What would that mean, if we could pull it off? If we could run our entire household utilities on our feces, or urine, that will be a major savings.

Of course, those who volunteer will be paid handsomely and live a normal lifestyle. But, if we start now, households will have built in systems. The derelicts, homeless and those out of work and those who refuse to work will be set up with a bank account that will pay for his or her living quarters and food and other household needs. You could even set up stations on the street, just like we use to have telephone booths.

Now, if they want to continue to take government checks and benefits, it will be a must that they sign up. This will answer the need for those who are disabled and those who refuse to work, and will tell you to your face that they refuse to work. Because we live in a free society, we cannot make people do things that they do not want to do.

They will have a shared residence and means for a happier life. They will have opportunities to upgrade and do much better in the system. There will be a house-keeping system and safeguards put in place. The grounds will be maintained and clean clothes will be provided. All the natural conveniences of life, including showers and social centers and social events and activities will be provided. If possible, we could set up communities of people donating their life services. We will offer them options to get off the program if they choose to do so. They will have household care services and looked after as if they were hotel guests.

All those in jail will not have any choices. They will be automatically signed up into the program.

The system will take full advantage of what they have to offer. For example, we would cut their hair and use it for recycle purposes. They will also have life and death benefits. They will be able to choose how they will be disposed. That is cremation or ground burial.

They will be a very select citizenry. We will monitor their entire lives. To make life a whole lot easier, we will only select those after the age of 55. They would have had a life before joining the program, and of course able to change careers if they choose to do so at a later date.

They will also have the option to make additional money by volunteering for a variety of test projects to better the community life.

Each participate will be watched carefully, and given all the benefits of a good life. They will not want for anything. Hunger and thirst will non-exist in this closed society.

All recreational needs will be met and encouraged. Workshops and other activities will be offered. Health wise, they will be carefully monitored and they will have the very best in care.

View the original article here

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