Thursday, September 27, 2012

Do You Have Time For World Peace?

Have you ever left a seminar, training class, or other event, all energized to take action and do something new? You left the event all energized and excited. Yet, nothing happened.

Chances are, taking the action and making the intended changes turned out to be more difficult than you ever thought about. What's worse, the entire plan probably just faded into non-existence after a few days.

What happened? NOTHING.

It is simple. As soon as you returned to your normal daily routine, the normal mundane needs of daily life took over and pulled you right back to where you were. Habit had you feeding the family and pets, going to work, fixing dinner, responding to emails etc... For most people, everyday life is where everything new comes to an end. They become stuck, remain stuck, and have no idea they are stuck. All the new and exciting plans are soon forgotten. The more time passes, the less likely any of the new plans will ever be acted on.

When you take time away from your normal daily life, your time and energy are freed up for something new. When you return to your normal daily life, the normal way of life takes over. The old routine still occupies 100% of your time just as it did before you found a new interest.

The next time you are excited about new activities, schedule time for the new activities. Make room in your old routine. Scheduling time will enable you to get unstuck from old habits and make the changes you planned.

The same is true of world peace. The world has lived, fought, and negotiated the same way for thousands of years. We know how to make time to develop war, anger, and hatred. We watch and cheer for violence on TV. Weapons development is only one way war is in constant development. We spend little time on peace.

Do we know how to develop peace? How often do news programs or other forms of media present ideas that support world peace? We have all heard about anti-war movements - sit-ins, marching against war, etc... Supporting anti-war efforts is not the same as supporting peace. What has been done to support world peace? Very little. What can be done to support world peace?


"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." Albert Einstein

Imagination made air travel a reality. Imagination made TV a reality. Imagination made modern technology a reality.

The world we live in could be a world without war.

Imagine the world we live in as being a world of peace. Pay attention to how much time you focus on violence through TV, radio, or even discussions. Try moving your attention to peaceful efforts and focus less on violence. Does this mean sticking your head in the sand like the proverbial ostrich? No. This does mean moving your attention away from what is not wanted and refocusing your attention and efforts on what is wanted. Meditate on your own inner peace. This meditation will develop your inspiration, joy, and peace over time. The peace that is developed within oneself will be reflected throughout the rest of your life. This is one way of supporting and spreading peace. This is how you can get involved.

Make peace a part of your life.

Therese Black's 1World Peace Plan was inspired by a chance encounter with the Queen of England and the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg. For more information on the 1World Peace Plan, go to

View the original article here

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