Sunday, September 16, 2012

Doing The Little Things On Your End To Take Care Of The Planet

One of the really big topics of discussion these days - especially with this being an election year - is the state of the environment, and what we need to do in order to take better care of it; of course, this "discussion" tends to entail a pair of people taking opposite sides, with one person claiming that the environment has never been in worse shape, and with the other claiming that there is nothing wrong with the environment at all. No matter whether the truth is one extreme or the other (or, of course, is something in the middle), the one fact all of us ought to be able to agree on is that this planet is a blessing, and we should all be doing the little things we can do to take care of it, regardless of how "desperate" or "perfectly fine" we believe the situation to be.

One of the really great things you can do, if you want to take care of the planet, is to simply make an effort to be cleaner with your energy usage; by doing simple things such as unplugging appliances that are not in use and carpooling or taking public transportation whenever you have the chance to do so, you will be able to both save money and put the planet in a much better position for the years that lay ahead.

Another wonderful thing to do - that may seem small at the time, but that will actually build to make a big difference - is to help replenish the earth's resources; by not only conserving, but also giving back, you will be able to keep the planet moving in the right direction. In other words: recycle, and encourage others to recycle as well!

And finally, you should make an effort to make strategic and informed shopping decisions in your role as a consumer; after all, it is the largest corporations that will be able to make the biggest difference - one way or the other - in the direction the environment goes, and when you do your best to only shop with companies that are committed to green practices and energy-saving activities, you will make your voice heard, and will cause other companies to follow suit (as the saying goes, after all, "money talks").

There is definitely plenty of debate these days regarding the current state of the environment, but amidst all this debate, the important factor being lost is the fact that this planet is a gift, and each of us should be doing what we can to make sure we are taking care of this planet; start doing your part to keep Earth green - and even though it may seem like the things you are doing are too small to make a difference, these "too small" things will start to add up, until you are truly impacting the direction of the world!

~Esther Ingram

Do your part to take care of the planet!

View the original article here

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