Sunday, April 8, 2012

Draft Violent Young Offenders Into the Military

Like many other people, I'm sick of the culture of youth and gang brutality that is making life hell for people in many neighborhoods of America and any number of other countries. I would like to propose a solution to this problem - a solution that will not only go a long way to solving this problem but will also solve many others.

Many perpetrators of youth and gang violence aren't deterred by the threat of prison. Many of them know how to handle prison and do not care if they wind up in a cell. But there is something that the government can do that will effectively deter them from their brutality while also saving money and making them better citizens. And this is as follows:

Draft violent youth offenders into the military.

It takes $36,000 a year to keep an offender behind bars. While there, they learn from more experienced criminals and come out more effective at doing what they do. The prison system costs vastly to the taxpayer and, in this case, is counterproductive. The prison becomes a center for hardening criminals and making them more set in criminal ways, courtesy the taxpayer.

Whereas if these people go to the army, then they'll come out better citizens. A lot of them want to be strong and tough people; in military they'll find out what being strong and tough actually is. They will also find out the meaning of discipline, principle and honor. And when they come out, they will not be hardened criminals but rather productive and contributing citizens who are not just the strong and tough men that they want to be, but also principled and disciplined strong and tough men.

This will achieve several benefits all at once. For one thing, it will act as an effective deterrent against youth brutality. Military is tough enough that even the toughest among these people will find it a challenge - enough to give them a second thought before killing, raping or battering another person. Secondly, it will make people who otherwise would be lifelong criminals into productive citizens, and they will be adding to the country instead of costing to the country. Finally, the military will avail itself of a pool of suitable recruits - people who've already seen conditions of war and will find it easier to become functional soldiers than would many other potential recruits.

So my proposal is: If you've committed a violent crime, it's army for you young man.

With close to 2 million people in prison, America leads the world in incarceration rates. This has not solved the problem of youth and gang brutality that continues to plague many American communities. These people are doing nothing for America and are costing it vastly. If they instead are drafted into the military, they will be adding to America. And the threat of being drafted will give them something to ponder before they decide to shoot, rape or batter their neighbor.

Given continued threats to America's national security, America clearly needs a sizable military. There are some people who want to reinstall a universal draft; but that causes all sorts of problems. Namely, it fills the military with people who are not fit for military service, who either get shot or come back with PTSD. The people who are already violent and aggressive are much more naturally fit for military service; and instead of them shooting up the hood and winding up in prison they will do much better for their country, for themselves and for their neighborhoods if they instead go into the military.

Drafting young violent offenders into the military will deter youth brutality, save taxpayer money, and make people who otherwise would be criminals into productive citizens. Their neighborhoods will benefit, their country will benefit, and ultimately so will these people themselves. They'll learn discipline and functionality in the military and will become honest, productive citizens. And that will go a long way to improving the situation in these communities as much as it will go a long way to benefiting the country.

View the original article here

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