Saturday, April 14, 2012

Metal Manufacturing Industry Comes Back Strong for 2012!

2012, The best year for business in the last 4 years! That is what I have been told by numerous companies across this country. With the overwhelming talk about unemployment you may ask, which industry is this? It's the metal manufacturing industry. Any Mainer who watches the news can tell you that.

Governor LePage has been holding a number of meetings all across this state. He has been trying to find ways to help these growing companies. Me to! Have any ideas? Let's brainstorm, you can check me out on Linkedin.

The two biggest problems that we in the metal industry have are qualified people and image. A great deal of our qualified people are "baby-boomers". Over the last few years, they have stated retiring. This will increase dramatically over the next decade. So where are the qualified people to replace and replenish the industry? Who's being trained to take over? Who wants to take over the careers in metal manufacturing?

Matt Ferguson, CEO of Career Builder said on CNBC's outlook for 2012 that "21% of the biggest small businesses will he hiring". "The lack of qualified workers" is a big concern. In fact "more companies are having training at the job."

The younger generation has been taught that manufacturing is dirty. People that I talk to who aren't in the metal industry, still picture a smelly, dark, moldy, over run, dirty place that no one wants to work at. Not true, in fact most manufacturing shops are cleaner than your own bathroom.

The professionals who operate modern machinery have to be good at computers, math and engineering. Intelligent people, who want to work, can work! With so many people looking for work this is a great opportunity. That sounds like a wonderful future for our next generation.

Part of what made this great country a "power-house" was manufacturing. A few years back a lot of companies started sending manufacturing jobs overseas. They said it was to save money. How many of them forgot to add in the extra shipping costs, time, delivery time and hassle. As this happened we lost not only American Jobs, we lost our stand in the world.

How do we make America the "power-house" again? Simple, keep bringing manufacturing back. Keep training American's on the value of American Made products. Train our younger generation in the strength of manufacturing. Come network with me, Kim Daellenbach.

With Best Wishes,
Kim Daellenbach
Executive Recruiter - Metal Industry
FPC Bangor

View the original article here

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