Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Ocean Is Rising and Making Land Inhabitable Due to Global Warming, The Alarmist Claimed

Interestingly enough, the city I live in has been sinking down between eight and 12 inches over the last decade - it isn't stopping there apparently, it's still sinking. The reason is simple, because we have been taken water, that is to say groundwater, and pumping it out, then using much of that water to sprinkler all the golf courses out here in the desert. We aren't the only city that is sinking, as many other cities around the world are also sinking. Mexico City for instance is sinking for the same reason, removal of groundwater. Okay so let's talk about; sinking cities for second (try to say that three times fast).

In Louisiana the ground is sinking, just as it is in many places, so even if the ocean remains the same height during its natural tide cycles it appears to be rising. Indeed, there was an interesting piece in Science Illustrated, January/February 2012 Issue, titled; "Louisiana is Sinking," and this is a perfect example of a simple explanation which blows a hole right through the global warming alarmists theories or those who claim that it's all a result of human greenhouse emissions - it's not, not at all.

Now then, why might I bring all this up now? Well, you see, there was an interesting article on April 2, 2012 in Physorg (dot) com recently titled; "Scientists find slow subsidence of Earth's crust beneath the Mississippi delta," which now seems to state;

"The results provide valuable new insights about the factors that affect shorelines and other locations in the Gulf Coast area now and into the future," and their study shows "the basement underneath key portions of the Mississippi Delta, including the New Orleans area, has subsided less than one inch per century faster over the past 7,000 years than the more stable area of southwest Louisiana," and that the lower areas in the Southwest are sinking much faster.

We also know of the sediment challenges as the changes made to the Mississippi River have worked as a Jacuzzi jet challenging the normal delta landscape, thus allowing big storms to erode more, without the land buffer. You see, we shouldn't blame everything on global warming just because it appears that the tide is rising, there might be many other reasons for it. For instance, in Malibu California the beach has slowly been eroding away due to the pounding of the surf, it has nothing to do with rising ocean levels.

It is amazing to me how quickly the global warming zealots and alarmists will point to every single thing that happens as some sort of proof in their theory, especially when that theory is nothing more than hot air. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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