Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Alberta PCs Pull a Majority out of the Hat


Although the polls and pundits were predicting the Alberta Progressive Conservative (PC) dynasty was about to come to an end, at the last minute voters got nervous about the Wildrose Party and gave Premier Alison Redford and the PCs a majority government in the Alberta provincial election on Monday. That's the 12th consecutive majority for the party.

Alberta Election Results 2012

For most of the 28-day election campaign, Wildrose leader Danielle Smith and her party could do no wrong. Smith herself is young, articulate, direct and calm. She hit on issues that were bugging Albertans - property rights, the PC's attitude of entitlement, and accusations of PC corruption. Although Smith herself has little political experience, she was supported by seasoned political handlers, including Tom Flanagan, a former adviser to Stephen Harper. Alison Redford, who has been Premier since she won the PC leadership in October 2011, usually responds to criticism, but it often takes her two or three tries to get it right. In a 28-day election campaign, you don't have that luxury.

In the last week of the campaign, Smith ran into problems. One of the Wildrose candidates was found to have a blog suggesting that gays were destined to an eternity in "the lake of fire." Another said he had an advantage in the election because he was Caucasian. Smith claimed candidates in her party were allowed their personal views but the Wildrose would never legislate on "contentious social issues." Smith also said she wasn't convinced on the science of climate change - a rather discouraging statement for a woman hoping to lead the province through international and national challenges on the oil sands. Overall, the Wildrose did pick up seats, going from four MLAs at dissolution to 17, but that's a long way from the 44 seats needed for a majority. Danielle Smith will now have a seat in the legislative assembly.

Photo: Alberta Premier Alison Redford
? Flickr user PremierofAlberta

Province of Alberta
Alberta Provincial Elections
Alberta Facts
Premiers of Alberta Since 1905

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