Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Good Addiction

Life is a Trip! And It's not like we are given a customized list of options when we are born into the world. Being thrust into the world not by our own choice, one would think we'd be given all the tools we need, placed in the right environment, and shown all the love we need to thrive. Here's the kick: We Are! It just doesn't come in the package that we expect, Nor does it come easy. Immediately from birth life is a shocker. You don't know whats going on and have the incessant need to scream at the top of your lungs... Not much has changed from then to Now, huh?

The circumstances we face in Life, make life a struggle and shake up our whole world, especially when the foundation was never settled to begin with. There's an innate natural human inclination to reach out for something, anything substantial to stabilize us and give us support. We find anything we can hold on to, to keep us stable. For many Americans this need breeds Addiction. 16 percent of the U.S. population is dependent on alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs.* A new report shows that Substance Abuse beat out obesity, and is the Number One Health Problem in America.

However, not all addiction is toxic or brings negative results. We also hold dependencies on things with more spiritual undertones like sex, and food, addictions stemming from the need to consume and fulfill, to feel whole. No matter the substance, the purpose is still the same: To fill, To meet the inadequacies and emptiness we feel and fill the never ending pit inside of our souls. There is a temporary moment of pleasure in consuming, so we continue in massive amounts in hopes to make the moment stick. But the desired effect is never achieved, In fact it only makes things worse. The cycle of addiction ruins lives and only makes living a greater struggle.

The problem not only attacks the finances and quality of our personal lives. It has a national effect: Addiction is also America's number one health care and health cost problem. Approximately 30 percent of our federal and state health care spending is attributable to it. Across all government spending, the total financial cost is nearly $500 billion annually.* Adequately, "What we consume, Consumes Us". However the nature of Addiction is not entirely bad. Given all the studies, There is one addiction that has never produced any negative results, The side effects are more intrinsic than terminal, and it is the only form of consuming known increase physical production. It is perhaps the most controversial one of all: It Is... A dependence of Faith and an addiction of Glory. There is an intoxicating Inspiration in the Glory of The Earth, and a natural Stimulant that we are born with inside our souls. This stimulant is more medicinal than all others, Its causes us to produce more and its the same one we use to Overcome.

However much it has been scrutinized, the facts of this addiction are given on more than a partial or biased account, It has affected Millions. Being Under The Influence of it gives unparalleled weight to the fact that Faith Is A Substance* Overall, having it produces the most favorable outcomes. When we have Faith and our relationship with God becomes our sole dependency, it heals all of our pain and indeed takes us to another level of life: The Life we were meant to live. As a matter of fact to be addicted to the substance of faith, It is not called addiction... Its' Called Revival! It's definitely something that the human spirit needs to thrive. Think about it, and The next time you are feeling low don't pick up the bottle, pick up the Bible. In it lies the All the answers to our woes and our capacity to do. Remember, Faith is A Drug! Have You Had Some?

*U.S. percentages and statistics based on report by The National Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA). *Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)

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