Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thomas Mulcair Leads the NDP


The New Democratic Party has a new leader, and you can expect him to keep things lively. Thomas Mulcair is quick, articulate and he doesn't back away from a good fight "in the public interest." A former Quebec provincial environment minister, Mulcair joined the federal NDP in 2007, winning a by-election in the Liberal stronghold of Outremont in Montreal and becoming the only Quebec NDP member of parliament. That was until the 2011 federal election which brought 57 more Quebec MPs, many of them young, into the NDP fold.

Mulcair has set his priorities as sustainability, prosperity and economic justice. He has a firm eye on the 2015 federal election and is only too well aware that the NDP has only three seats west of the Ontario border and east of British Columbia, including none in Saskatchewan, the birthplace of the party.

Photo: ? Flickr user mattjiggins

More on the NDP
New Democratic Party of Canada
Write to the NDP Leader
Federal NDP Leaders Since 1961

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