Monday, May 7, 2012

Beware of the Media, It Will Melt Your Mind and Make You Stupid He Said

All it is, is mass brainwashing - dummying down society, he told me. Then he explained last year how he went down to the local newsstand right after the Giant Earthquake and Japanese Tsunami and what was on the cover? One headline about the mega-disaster and several stories about such things as "some football star having an affair with a prostitute and this is not an isolated incident it happens every day worldwide."

Sure enough and we all know he's right, we all observe the same thing really. Later he equated this to be one of the reasons there is very little creativity going on in the world, and that "the majority of people seem to be happy with being told what's good for them and when it's good for them by people they've never met and have never heard before. It's like watching a flock of sheep being herded by sheepdog, as long as it doesn't affect their television they're quite happy to accept anything they're told."

Again, he's right, and we all know this, and then he told me that he was much happier living in his flat in Europe alone, without having to deal with such a screwed up world. Okay so, if you feel the same way, which I am certain many of us do from time to time, here is what I told him:

Okay so, you are happy, you win, others are happy with they are doing, so they win also. If we take away what they perceive to make them happy, and censor what they can view in the media, that is really; shame on us. Now then, I'm not saying they are not to blame, or shouldn't exercise responsibility in what they watch or take in, in fact, shame on them also. But humans just want to be happy, they tend to do the things that make them happy, often above what's good for them. If we dictate what is good for everyone, they will end up living sterile lives, and unfulfilled.

In many regards many of the rules, regulations, and onerous dictates imposed in our society is causing depression amongst the masses. I don't find that to be good, as it leads to things like depression medicines, drug use, alcohol abuse, and all sorts of other bizarre behavior and activities. None of which is any good. The biggest challenge with making rules, or deciding what is good for other people, even if you have the greatest intentions, is you are doing nothing more than paving the road to hell, and causing them to have unfulfilled and unhappy lives.

You are happy, you win, may be they are happy doing what they are doing, even if that road leads basically to know where. But then again in the end no one has ever escaped Earth alive, and everyone's life experience appears to end at the time of their departing this reality as fully functional entity. So they may as well be happy while they're here, and who are we to say what should make them happy? You see that issue?

Maybe, if people want to stop thinking, let them, as long as they don't tell us intellectual people how to live our lives or force that nonsense on us, we should be happy they are happy, or at least believe they are happy in this case. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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