Thursday, May 3, 2012

CO2, Green House Gases, and Ozone Holes - Oh My God, We Are Doomed?

One thing that people don't realize about air pollution is the accumulative effect, that is to say the various molecules combining into something else, making things much worse. CO2 is quite sticky so to speak and "oxygen and carbon seem to combine with just about everything, surprise, surprise," says the College Freshmen prerequisite chemistry class professor. Okay so, let's talk.

Now then, what about the accumulative effect of other things? Recently, an acquaintance who is fearful that global warming will be the death of all humans told me that the holes in the Ozone Layer plus the CO2 output and green house gases would cause everyone to get skin cancer and die, radiated like micro-waved chicken I guess, thus, the end of humanity and all life on the planet. But is this really the case?

It seems that human mitochondrial DNA is pretty darn hardy and can adapt, and humans can live underground too. Protecting the human eggs of females isn't that difficult, humans will not perish even if we don't have an ozone layer, not suggesting we ought to get rid of it mind you. And when the ozone replenishes it will be just like Terra del Fuego no more blind sheep and high tech parks manufacturing comes alive.

Yes, skin cancer could be a problem with Ozone issues, but that is a different issue from CO2. Lots of CO2 means stronger plant life, more abundant production from Agriculture. Bigger trees, bigger tree canopies to block the sun, more oxygen underneath, what's the problem? Trees, and all life will adapt to the radiation, life will find a way, and living in a green house is perhaps good for life, not bad. Besides that, I think humans are smart enough to deal with anything that comes along, not worried about it.

Personally, I think I am more worried about Ice Ages myself. Still my acquaintance points to 1816 or the year without a Sun in England, which he stated could have been from the volcanic activity in other parts of the world such as Indonesia, sure might have been although, it might not have due to the weather patterns unique to the Northern and Southern hemispheres, we don't know for sure. But whatever happened it cut down agricultural production significantly and many people died, starved.

Okay, sure could be, still we have better knowledge and engineering today. The Arab Springs were partly caused by Russia's refusal after their forest fires to export their agriculture for fear they wouldn't have enough, thus, chaos globally could ensue due to harsh weather in our time too, but we have abundance in human agriculture, and free markets seem to adjust quickly, besides people are so fat, maybe they do need to eat less? Look at all the Chinese with diabetes or pre-diabetic conditions, over 100 million now, India, it's happening too, they are eating too much processed food.

Humanity will not die off due to Global Warming Theory, CO2 emissions, Rapid Ozone Depletion, or Green House Gases, humans will be around in some form or another for millions of more years. I'd bet on it actually. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative set of eBooks on Science Fiction Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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